Giorno: 9 Luglio 2021

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Cronjob PHP: come usarli per generare automaticamente report dati nel mondo IoT

Generare report dati nel mondo IoT è molto importante, specialmente per ciò che riguarda i sensori. Una delle modalità che abbiamo a disposizione sono i…

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TO5GR Martinique Island. From

Dim, UT5UGR will be active as TO5GR from Ducas, Martinique Island, IOTA NA – 107., TO5GR Martinique Island. From, ,

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AMSAT CubeSatSim First Official Release – v1.0

I am very pleased to announce the first software release of the CubeSatSim software v1.0!  Along with the first hardware release v1.0 last month, this…

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Good Grounding

Doug, K0YP, is grounding his station with a very over the top grounding supplies and set up and is asking for Dave’s feedback on his…

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Yagi Configurations

“Calvin, N7AY, inspired Dave’s General overview of many common questions concerning Yagi’s… Watch to learn more.” Antenna HF Unity Gain Antenna Survey (#246) February 27,…