Giorno: 13 Luglio 2021

Object detection con YOLO v3
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Object detection con YOLO v3

Da qualche anno a questa parte le reti neurali sono passate da pura curiosità accademica, a settore di intensa ricerca, a santo Graal per qualsiasi…

YN2RP Nicaragua. From
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YN2RP Nicaragua. From

NN3RP will be active again from Nicaragua, 14 July – 15 August 2021, as YN2RP., YN2RP Nicaragua. From, ,

OJ0WS Market Reef. From
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OJ0WS Market Reef. From

Pasi, OH3WS will be active as OJ0WS from Market Reef, IOTA EU – 053, 21 – 28 August 2021., OJ0WS Market Reef. From, ,

DX Commander All Band Vertical after 6 Months in the Air | Review
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DX Commander All Band Vertical after 6 Months in the Air | Review

“I’ve had my DX Commander All Band vertical in the air for about 6 months now and I wanted to show how the antenna has…

Difficult Grounding Issues
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Difficult Grounding Issues

Tim Desmond, KI5OUN, inspired this video on grounding. Simplest to say “Difficult Grounding Issues” Antenna Chameleon Emcomm IIIP Antenna – Antenna, Portable, 160M-10M May 06,…

New Astron SS-30M-AP Switching Power Supply Review/Demo
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New Astron SS-30M-AP Switching Power Supply Review/Demo

Switching Power Supply, 30 A At 13.8 Vdc Peak Output, Front Panel Powerpoles, Fan Cooled, Meters, 115/230 Vac Input Int. Sw., Each Antenna DXplorer system…

New Firmware Updates for the IC-705, IC-7300 and IC-9700 SDR Transceivers
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New Firmware Updates for the IC-705, IC-7300 and IC-9700 SDR Transceivers

Icom has released updates for its latest range of Amateur radios. The updates are available for the IC-705, IC-7300 and IC-9700 SDR transceivers. The updates…

HamBuilder HBR4HFS 4-Band HF Ham Radio Test and Review
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HamBuilder HBR4HFS 4-Band HF Ham Radio Test and Review

“This video took me a few months to put together while testing it in different environments and locations. Today we are looking at the HamBuilder…