Giorno: 17 Luglio 2021

Raspberry Pi e conversione ADC: come fare
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Raspberry Pi e conversione ADC: come fare

Raspberry Pi e conversione ADC: se ti stai chiedendo come fare a risolvere questo problema, per avere a tua disposizione la conversione analogico digitale con…

Getting your Equipment in the Right Order
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Getting your Equipment in the Right Order

Frank Arciuolo, W1ZAH, is having some problems with his antenna set up and SWR. Dave here to help point him in the right direction. Antenna…

Radioddity REVEALS DB25-D Mini Mobile DMR Radio | First Look!
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Radioddity REVEALS DB25-D Mini Mobile DMR Radio | First Look!

Radioddity has a new Mini Mobile DMR Radio about to be released which they are calling the DB-25-D. This is a small dual band DMR…

Radio Wave Properties: Electric and Magnetic Dipole Antennae
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Radio Wave Properties: Electric and Magnetic Dipole Antennae

“An HP model 3200B VHF Oscillator and ENI model 5100-L NMR RF Broadband Power Amplifier provide a 300 MHz signal to a half-wave dipole antenna….