Giorno: 23 Luglio 2021

Artificial Intelligence al servizio della sicurezza nei luoghi affollati
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Artificial Intelligence al servizio della sicurezza nei luoghi affollati

Occhio che non vede, cuore che non duole. Un vecchio proverbio che non trova più applicazione nel mondo contemporaneo perché siamo ormai circondati da innumerevoli…

Massachusetts Court Okays Amateur Radio Tower, Citing Board of Appeals’ Error
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Massachusetts Court Okays Amateur Radio Tower, Citing Board of Appeals’ Error

A judge in the Massachusetts Land Court has ruled that the Zoning Board of Appeals in the City of Framingham “erred” in revoking a building…

RG8X No-Name Coax, You Need To Be Careful, Jim W6LG Shows What Happened To 100 Feet Of Gray Coax
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RG8X No-Name Coax, You Need To Be Careful, Jim W6LG Shows What Happened To 100 Feet Of Gray Coax

Jim Heath W6LG shows what happened to RG8X that had 1500 applied. Watch the subsequent episodes for more information about coax. Review How To Program…

FCC Investigating Alleged “Jamming” on 40 Meters
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FCC Investigating Alleged “Jamming” on 40 Meters

Reports suggest that jamming stations have been deployed on the lower portion of 40 meters. The jamming appears to be coming from Cuba. The signals,…

Audio and visual of Cuba jamming 40M, making it to OH
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Audio and visual of Cuba jamming 40M, making it to OH

Audio and visual of Cuba jamming 40M, making it to OH Audio and visual of Cuba jamming 40M, making it to OH. #hamradio —…

To Resonate or Not to Resonate?
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To Resonate or Not to Resonate?

Ben, K0ABR, simply asks Is resonate better than non resonate antenna? Antenna Best Ham Radio HF Antenna on eBay June 29, 2021 No comments What…