Mese: Luglio 2021

To Resonate or Not to Resonate?
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To Resonate or Not to Resonate?

Ben, K0ABR, simply asks Is resonate better than non resonate antenna? Antenna Best Ham Radio HF Antenna on eBay June 29, 2021 No comments What…

Riconoscimento gestuale ad infrarossi
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Riconoscimento gestuale ad infrarossi

In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Relaod viene affrontato un tema di grande attualità, ovvero il percorso evolutivo che porterà, con ogni probabilità, al progressivo…

Volunteer radio operators to the rescue in Belgian floods
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Volunteer radio operators to the rescue in Belgian floods

July 2021: Brabant Wallon’s Emergency Radio Network volunteers stepped in when the Police building in Wavre, Belgium – including its Tetra antenna and computers –…

FCC Investigating Whether Cuban Government Is Jamming HAM Radio
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FCC Investigating Whether Cuban Government Is Jamming HAM Radio

by Matthew Gault The federal government is investigating mysterious signals coming from Havana that are jamming popular frequencies. HAM radio operators in Florida have said…

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“ On January 1, 2022 I will be retiring. I’ll be nearly 76 and want to spend more time at other things. EZNEC is and…

AO-109 (RadFxSat-2/AMSAT Fox-1E) Open for Amateur Use
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AO-109 (RadFxSat-2/AMSAT Fox-1E) Open for Amateur Use

AMSAT’s Engineering and Operations Teams have announced that AO-109 (RadFxSat-2/AMSAT Fox-1E) is now open for amateur use. AMSAT advises operators to use efficient modes for…

Attaching Coax to a Dipole
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Attaching Coax to a Dipole

Gordon, KO4OCO, in reference to Dave’s 40 meter dipole video, he asks how the actual connection between the coupler and the antenna wire was made?…

PRAM, il tuo Primo Robot Autonomo Mobile – Parte 1
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PRAM, il tuo Primo Robot Autonomo Mobile – Parte 1

La maggior parte della nostra percezione del robot è basata su film Hollywoodiani come i famosi robot 3CPO e R2D2 di Star Wars fino al…

One Four Wednesdays – CB 40th Anniversary
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One Four Wednesdays – CB 40th Anniversary

  As part of the 40th Anniversary of legal CB Radio in the UK, people are being invited to shout “One-Four A Copy” once again…

9X2AW Rwanda. From
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9X2AW Rwanda. From

Harold, DF2WO will be active again as 9X2AW from Rwanda, 13 – 28 September 2021., 9X2AW Rwanda. From, ,

CT9/IZ2DPX Madeira. From
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CT9/IZ2DPX Madeira. From

Giovanni, CT9/IZ2DPX will be active from Madeira Island, IOTA AF – 014, 14 – 29 August 2021., CT9/IZ2DPX Madeira. From, ,

L’Editoriale di Luglio/Agosto 2021
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L’Editoriale di Luglio/Agosto 2021

Ancora una volta tempestividi Vincenzo Favata, IT9IZY Il recentissimo decreto legge che si occupa prevalentemente di rilancio, resilienza e di misure di rafforzamento delle strutture…

L’antenna Elettra si mette in mostra nel salotto di Verona: 27 luglio, piazza dei Signori
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L’antenna Elettra si mette in mostra nel salotto di Verona: 27 luglio, piazza dei Signori

In occasione dell’anniversario del primo segnale radio wireless irradiato da Guglielmo Marconi, l’antenna Elettra – di proprietà del Museo della Radio di Verona – sarà in esposizione…

ARI-Roma con Diploma dei 75 anni
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ARI-Roma con Diploma dei 75 anni

Cliccare QUI per il regolamento completo Click HERE for read the rules Fonte: ARI Roma

Usare un NAND come traslatore
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Usare un NAND come traslatore

Questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload parla dell’SN74LV1T00, una porta logica NAND utilissima per applicazioni dove sia necessario eseguire una traslazione di livello per i…

FS/W8HC Saint Martin Island. From
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FS/W8HC Saint Martin Island. From

Hal, FS/W8HC will be active from Saint Martin Island, IOTA NA – 105, 29 July – 6 August 2021., FS/W8HC Saint Martin Island. From,…

Icom ID-52 First Look! – New Icom Handheld Ham Radio | DSTAR
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Icom ID-52 First Look! – New Icom Handheld Ham Radio | DSTAR

Look what arrived at my mailbox! This is the Icom ID-52E, the newest Handheld Ham Radio from Icom, which includes DSTAR. Let’s take a look…

Amateur Radio Responds to Flooding in Western Europe
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Amateur Radio Responds to Flooding in Western Europe

International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 Emergency Communications Coordinator Greg Mossop, G0DUB, reported over the weekend that amateur radio volunteers have responded in the…

La sicurezza nei SoC programmabili
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La sicurezza nei SoC programmabili

Nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. Le piattaforme configurabili come i SoC Interamente Programmabili Zynq-7000 possono offrire l’accesso all’architettura ARM…

Come connettere Raspberry Pi ad uno smartphone Android
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Come connettere Raspberry Pi ad uno smartphone Android

Vorresti controllare e connettere il tuo Raspberry ad uno smartphone oppure un tablet Android? Si può fare e anche in due modi differenti. In questo…

Solar Storm Fake Out & Big Flare Players Near | Solar Storm Forecast 07.17.2021
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Solar Storm Fake Out & Big Flare Players Near | Solar Storm Forecast 07.17.2021

Solar Storm Fake Out & Big Flare Players Near | Antenna QST Antenna Design Competition Submission Deadline Looms August 01, 2018 No comments The deadline…

Raspberry Pi e conversione ADC: come fare
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Raspberry Pi e conversione ADC: come fare

Raspberry Pi e conversione ADC: se ti stai chiedendo come fare a risolvere questo problema, per avere a tua disposizione la conversione analogico digitale con…

Getting your Equipment in the Right Order
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Getting your Equipment in the Right Order

Frank Arciuolo, W1ZAH, is having some problems with his antenna set up and SWR. Dave here to help point him in the right direction. Antenna…

Radioddity REVEALS DB25-D Mini Mobile DMR Radio | First Look!
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Radioddity REVEALS DB25-D Mini Mobile DMR Radio | First Look!

Radioddity has a new Mini Mobile DMR Radio about to be released which they are calling the DB-25-D. This is a small dual band DMR…

Radio Wave Properties: Electric and Magnetic Dipole Antennae
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Radio Wave Properties: Electric and Magnetic Dipole Antennae

“An HP model 3200B VHF Oscillator and ENI model 5100-L NMR RF Broadband Power Amplifier provide a 300 MHz signal to a half-wave dipole antenna….