Mese: Luglio 2021

Bootloader secondario via I2C
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Bootloader secondario via I2C

Questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload tratta la realizzazione di un bootloader in grado di aggiornare il firmware via I2C e alcuni dei prodotti delle…

GM7V Benbecula Island. From
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GM7V Benbecula Island. From

GM7V Team will be active again from Benbecula Island, IOTA EU – 010, in RSGB IOTA Contest, 24 – 25 July 2021., GM7V Benbecula Island….

Is That Cuban Radio Jammers On 40 Meters Ham Radio?
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Is That Cuban Radio Jammers On 40 Meters Ham Radio?

“For almost a week straight there has been an abundance of what looks like intentional radio interference on 40 meters HF ham radio. Is this…

Cuba Is Jamming Ham Radio Frequencies!
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Cuba Is Jamming Ham Radio Frequencies!

“My good friend Alex, W7HU has uncovered that Cuba is jamming ham radio frequencies to stop communication in and out of Cuba. If you’re unaware,…

Dall’Intelligenza Artificiale al TinyML: storie di macchine che apprendono
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Dall’Intelligenza Artificiale al TinyML: storie di macchine che apprendono

L’apprendimento macchina (Machine Learning o ML) è finalmente esploso nell’ambito ingegneristico e nelle vite quotidiane delle persone. Questa tecnologia si sta muovendo rapidamente ed oggi…

The Take-off Angle Theory
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The Take-off Angle Theory

“Kyle, W0AAV, is wondering if there is an optimal angle to put his vertical antenna or is the Take off angle not really important or…

QTouch Composer
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QTouch Composer

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. Con il QTouch Composer l’utente può creare facilmente ed in modo…

PZ5G PZ5GE PZ5SB Papegaaine Island Suriname. From
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PZ5G PZ5GE PZ5SB Papegaaine Island Suriname. From

Markus, DJ4EL will be active as PZ5G and PZ5GE from Papegaaine Island, IOTA SA – 092 and Suriname., PZ5G PZ5GE PZ5SB Papegaaine Island Suriname. From…

MINI600 Antenna Analyzer EU1KY Firmware Version 1.04
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MINI600 Antenna Analyzer EU1KY Firmware Version 1.04

“Here we take a look at the Mini600 Antenna Analyzer with EU1KY Firmware Version 1.04” Main Functions : Panoramic scan Measurement Generator Time Domain Multi…

June 2021 Volunteer Monitor Program Activity Report Released
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June 2021 Volunteer Monitor Program Activity Report Released

The June 2021 activity report of the Volunteer Monitor (VM) Program has been released. The VM Program is a joint initiative between the ARRL and…

Object detection con YOLO v3
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Object detection con YOLO v3

Da qualche anno a questa parte le reti neurali sono passate da pura curiosità accademica, a settore di intensa ricerca, a santo Graal per qualsiasi…

YN2RP Nicaragua. From
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YN2RP Nicaragua. From

NN3RP will be active again from Nicaragua, 14 July – 15 August 2021, as YN2RP., YN2RP Nicaragua. From, ,

OJ0WS Market Reef. From
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OJ0WS Market Reef. From

Pasi, OH3WS will be active as OJ0WS from Market Reef, IOTA EU – 053, 21 – 28 August 2021., OJ0WS Market Reef. From, ,

DX Commander All Band Vertical after 6 Months in the Air | Review
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DX Commander All Band Vertical after 6 Months in the Air | Review

“I’ve had my DX Commander All Band vertical in the air for about 6 months now and I wanted to show how the antenna has…

Difficult Grounding Issues
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Difficult Grounding Issues

Tim Desmond, KI5OUN, inspired this video on grounding. Simplest to say “Difficult Grounding Issues” Antenna Chameleon Emcomm IIIP Antenna – Antenna, Portable, 160M-10M May 06,…

New Astron SS-30M-AP Switching Power Supply Review/Demo
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New Astron SS-30M-AP Switching Power Supply Review/Demo

Switching Power Supply, 30 A At 13.8 Vdc Peak Output, Front Panel Powerpoles, Fan Cooled, Meters, 115/230 Vac Input Int. Sw., Each Antenna DXplorer system…

New Firmware Updates for the IC-705, IC-7300 and IC-9700 SDR Transceivers
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New Firmware Updates for the IC-705, IC-7300 and IC-9700 SDR Transceivers

Icom has released updates for its latest range of Amateur radios. The updates are available for the IC-705, IC-7300 and IC-9700 SDR transceivers. The updates…

HamBuilder HBR4HFS 4-Band HF Ham Radio Test and Review
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HamBuilder HBR4HFS 4-Band HF Ham Radio Test and Review

“This video took me a few months to put together while testing it in different environments and locations. Today we are looking at the HamBuilder…

QTouch Studio
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QTouch Studio

In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload esaminiamo in dettaglio l’applicazione QTouch Studio, che offre una virtualizzazione in tempo reale del flusso di dati di…

Internet of Things: quanto è capitalizzato?
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Internet of Things: quanto è capitalizzato?

L’Internet of Things quanto è capitalizzato? Sarà una bolla? In questo articolo ho il piacere di mostrarti un’analisi più finanziaria che tecnica legata a questo…

OA4O Peru. From
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OA4O Peru. From

OA4O Team will be active from Peru in IARU HF Championship Contest, 10 – 11 July 2021., OA4O Peru. From, ,

Trinidad Island 9Y4HQ. From
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Trinidad Island 9Y4HQ. From

Members of Trinidad and Tobago Amateur Radio Society will be active in IARU HF Contest 10-11 July 2021, as 9Y4HQ., Trinidad Island 9Y4HQ. From,…

La batteria biologica e biodegradabile
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La batteria biologica e biodegradabile

Il mondo dell’IoT porterà ad avere un numero sempre più crescente di oggetti connessi, soprattutto per la logistica e nei trasporti: tutto questo significa sempre…

OY/LB5SH Faroe Islands. From
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OY/LB5SH Faroe Islands. From

Stein, OY/LB5SH will be active from Faroe Islands, IOTA EU – 018, 17 – 20 September 2021., OY/LB5SH Faroe Islands. From, ,

Cronjob PHP: come usarli per generare automaticamente report dati nel mondo IoT
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Cronjob PHP: come usarli per generare automaticamente report dati nel mondo IoT

Generare report dati nel mondo IoT è molto importante, specialmente per ciò che riguarda i sensori. Una delle modalità che abbiamo a disposizione sono i…