Giorno: 9 Agosto 2021

RX600 a 32-bit di Renesas
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RX600 a 32-bit di Renesas

Nuovo appuntamento con la rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. L’ultima evoluzione dei microcontrollori Renesas di fascia media, per applicazioni embedded, ha portato allo…

Grounding a Counterpoise on End-Fed Half Wave Antenna
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Grounding a Counterpoise on End-Fed Half Wave Antenna

Laurence, WA2TLY, is asking some questions about a few aspects of the EFHW 80-10 antenna, Why they are there and what they are for? Antenna…

You’ve Been Doing This Wrong Your Whole Life!!
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You’ve Been Doing This Wrong Your Whole Life!!

Wind Your Coax Like the Pros Do | Tangle Free Over Under Method Antenna ALEXLOOP PREMIER May 02, 2018 No comments The AlexLoop has long…