Giorno: 10 Agosto 2021

L’Intelligenza Artificiale diventa quantistica
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L’Intelligenza Artificiale diventa quantistica

Le Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) costituiscono una classe di reti neurali per l’apprendimento non supervisionato con applicazioni che vanno dalla classificazione alla ricostruzione dello stato…

FM CB Radio in the US – 2 Facebook Groups
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FM CB Radio in the US – 2 Facebook Groups

  Two new fakebook groups have sprung up to offer discussion regarding the upcoming legalisation of Frequency Modulation on CB radio in the United States. …

SDR++, The bloat-free SDR software | A Hands on Overview
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SDR++, The bloat-free SDR software | A Hands on Overview

SDR++, The bloat-free SDR software Antenna ANTENNA CAROLINA WINDOM ® 160 October 15, 2015 No comments Specifications Frequency Coverage 160 – 6 meters + 30,…