Giorno: 20 Agosto 2021

I microcontrollori Kinetis K60
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I microcontrollori Kinetis K60

Questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload tratta in dettaglio la serie K60 di microcontrollori della famiglia Kinetis proposta da Freescale. Si tratta di microcontrollori a…

NEW Yaesu FT5D – Manual and First Real World Photos
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NEW Yaesu FT5D – Manual and First Real World Photos

  Earlier this week Yaesu announced their latest handheld radio, the FT5D and we have the first ‘real world’ photos and a link to the…

SAQ Reports “an Incredible Number” of Listeners for July 4 Transmissions
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SAQ Reports “an Incredible Number” of Listeners for July 4 Transmissions

The Alexander Grimeton Friendship Association reports “an incredible number” of listener reports — 524 in all — for its July 4 Alexanderson Day transmissions from SAQ, the…

Effective Indoor Antennas
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Effective Indoor Antennas

Peirre, KM4WSJ, lives in Florida and is often victim to powerful lightning and thunder storms and is forced to disconnect his antenna. His question to…