Giorno: 26 Agosto 2021

LDC1000 Inductance to Digital Converter
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LDC1000 Inductance to Digital Converter

In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload viene descritto il chip LDC1000, un versatile dispositivo di TI, che con la sua realizzazione ci viene incontro…

Wolf River Coils High Power Silver Bullet Platinum [ Interview ]
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Wolf River Coils High Power Silver Bullet Platinum [ Interview ]

Interview with Gary from WRC about the new High Power Platinum antenna. The Silver Bullet 1000 TIA is a small portable antenna system designed to…

Ham Saves his Friend’s Life from 500 miles away
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Ham Saves his Friend’s Life from 500 miles away

A man in San Joaquin County, California, is being praised for helping save his friend’s life even though they were hundreds of miles apart. Antenna…

SDRplay comparison of 4 popular magnetic loop antennas
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SDRplay comparison of 4 popular magnetic loop antennas

In this video Mike Harwood compares 4 different active mag loop antenna at various frequencies up to 52MHz using two SDRplay RSPduos which allowed simultaneous…

You only need one Station Ground Rod
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You only need one Station Ground Rod

Rodney, is asking if he can use the same ground rod to ground two different dipole antennas without losing efficiency or performance? Antenna How to…

Swap My Rigs Remote Radio Kit – Huntsville Hamfest
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Swap My Rigs Remote Radio Kit – Huntsville Hamfest

“I met Mary at the Huntsville hamfest showing with her Father AE4S. This is a unique product that allows you to remote your ham…