Giorno: 31 Agosto 2021

Oxit e Semtech collaborano in progetti di Energia Intelligente
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Oxit e Semtech collaborano in progetti di Energia Intelligente

Semtech Corporation, fornitore leader di semiconduttori analogici e mixed-signal ad alte prestazioni e algoritmi avanzati per infrastrutture, high-end consumer e apparecchiature industriali, ha da poco annunciato…

FEMA Announces HF Interoperability Activity on 60-Meter Channels 1 and 2
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FEMA Announces HF Interoperability Activity on 60-Meter Channels 1 and 2

Channels 1 and 2 on 60 meters will be available starting on August 30 for interoperability between US government and US amateur radio stations involved…

Mini SSB receiver ATS-25 (LW/MW/SW/FM)
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Mini SSB receiver ATS-25 (LW/MW/SW/FM)

It’s small SSB/AM/FM receiver with wide band coverage – LW/MW/SW/FM. Touchscreen and simple menu makes this radio easy to use. It has 2000 mAh internal…

What size or gauge of wire should I use for an antenna
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What size or gauge of wire should I use for an antenna

“A viewer asks: What size of gauge of wire should I use for my portable End Fed Half Wave EFHW antenna. 16 gauge wire seems…

FCC Grants Temporary Waiver to Permit Higher Symbol Rate Data Transmissions for Hurricane Ida Traffic
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FCC Grants Temporary Waiver to Permit Higher Symbol Rate Data Transmissions for Hurricane Ida Traffic

The FCC has granted an ARRL emergency request for a temporary waiver intended to facilitate relief communications in the wake of Hurricane Ida. The waiver…