Giorno: 29 Settembre 2021

“Global Engineer Survey 2021” di Tektronix: ecco i risultati per il settore T&M
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“Global Engineer Survey 2021” di Tektronix: ecco i risultati per il settore T&M

Dal sondaggio globale “Global Engineer Survey 2021” condotto da Tektronix, che ha coinvolto circa 1.300 tra ingegneri, professionisti e progettisti del settore Test&Measurements, sono emersi…

How To Power Your Ham Radio Station, Power Supplies, Batteries, Mobile
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How To Power Your Ham Radio Station, Power Supplies, Batteries, Mobile

An important first step in ham radio is figuring out how you want to power your radio station. Reagrdless if it being at home or…

Building the BuddiHex Hexbeam | Best Portable Ham Radio Antenna
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Building the BuddiHex Hexbeam | Best Portable Ham Radio Antenna

Today I go through all of the steps and pieces for building the BuddiHex Hexbeam antenna from Buddpole. This might be the best portable ham…

YAESU M-90D Desktop Microphone: UNBOXING
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YAESU M-90D Desktop Microphone: UNBOXING

Yaesu M-90D Desktop Microphones utilize a finely tuned dynamic element to deliver rich low to mid frequency response, desirable for a clear and concise conversational…