Mese: Settembre 2021

Backyard Circular Polarization
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Backyard Circular Polarization

Dave, K4DRA, wants to try a double dipole set up in order to get an omnidirectional dipole, but he has yet to understand the circular…

RTL-SDR RF Filters
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RTL-SDR RF Filters

In this video, we take a look at how RF filters work and how you can improve signals when using an SDR, in this video…

Why use a J-Pole Antenna?
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Why use a J-Pole Antenna?

“A viewer asks: Why J-Pole antennas? I mean it’s a cool design and all, but some people swear by them. What advantages do they have?…

Tokyo Ham Fair 2021 is cancelled
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Tokyo Ham Fair 2021 is cancelled

Tokyo Ham Fair 2021 is cancelledJapan’s JARL has announced the cancellation of the world’s largest amateur radio event, the Tokyo Ham Fair 2021, which had…

Una nuova tecnologia per la realizzazione di LED deformabili
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Una nuova tecnologia per la realizzazione di LED deformabili

L’università di Dallas ha pubblicato uno studio in cui viene proposta una nuova tecnica per la realizzazione di LED in scala micrometrica e nanometrica (MRs…

Released SDRuno 1.41
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Released SDRuno 1.41

SDRuno Roadmap Updated 13th September 2021 Version 1.41 of SDRuno®  is the latest full production version.  The remaining features along with other priority requests are…

Big Flare Players and Side-Swiping Storms | Solar Storm Forecast 09.12.2021
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Big Flare Players and Side-Swiping Storms | Solar Storm Forecast 09.12.2021

This Space Weather News forecast sponsored in part by Millersville University Antenna HF Portable Par End-Fedz EF-20, Jackite Fiberglass Pole Deployment November 17, 2015 No…

Gecko per i Micro Ultra Low Power
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Gecko per i Micro Ultra Low Power

Nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. Il vasto mercato dei microcontrollori oggi si presenta all’acquirente come un’imponente distesa di dispositivi…

SDR++, A new SDR program. Open source and cross platform!
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SDR++, A new SDR program. Open source and cross platform!

SDR++ It’s nice to see a new cross platform program in the scene. Antenna New AZEL1000CBWP – M2 Antenna April 30, 2015 No comments…

RP2040, il chip in silicio di casa Raspberry Pi
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RP2040, il chip in silicio di casa Raspberry Pi

RP2040 è un chip in silicio ad alte prestazioni, appositamente progettato dalla Raspberry Pi. Come molti di voi sapranno, è il cuore della famosissima scheda…

Il sistema di comunicazione wireless Li-Fi indoor
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Il sistema di comunicazione wireless Li-Fi indoor

La comunicazione wireless per interni è una parte essenziale del sistema di comunicazione wireless di prossima generazione. Per le comunicazioni all’interno di ambienti, il numero…

Beam Pattern vs Heights
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Beam Pattern vs Heights

Dave is going to explain and dig deeper into the Beam field of antennas, such as dipoles, and how their distance from the ground can…

How To Setup The Buddistick Pro and Tune it up!
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How To Setup The Buddistick Pro and Tune it up!

“Let me show you how to setup the Buddistick Pro fast. It is easy to carry, and setup in the field. Its a winner for…

Smart Lighting, Optoelettronica e Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale
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Smart Lighting, Optoelettronica e Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale

Il seguente articolo tratta di smart lighting e di come la quarta rivoluzione industriale abbia favorito la nascita di nuove soluzioni per l’illuminotecnica. La combinazione…

Ham Radio Bicycle Mobile: Using APRS to track a marathon – Ham Radio Q&A
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Ham Radio Bicycle Mobile: Using APRS to track a marathon – Ham Radio Q&A

“Our amateur radio club provides health and welfare communications for the participants of the Wausau Marathon. This year I was the ‘bike mobile’ station providing…

Nuovi microinterruttori miniaturizzati OMRON
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Nuovi microinterruttori miniaturizzati OMRON

OMRON, azienda leader che opera in svariati settori, tra cui automazione industriale, componentistica elettronica, sistemi per infrastrutture sociali e soluzioni per l’assistenza sanitaria e l’ambiente,…

Antennas TOO Close Together
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Antennas TOO Close Together

Steve, AI7SV, is having some trouble with his antennas due to him placing them too close together. Antenna Grounding a Counterpoise on End-Fed Half Wave…

SunSDR2 Pro, Expert Electronics FULL SDR Review/Demo, HF/6M/VHF
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SunSDR2 Pro, Expert Electronics FULL SDR Review/Demo, HF/6M/VHF

Checking out the SunSDR2 Pro by Expert Electronics, a full DUC/DDC HF/VHF software defined radio that will please even the most demanding ham radio operator….

GENESIS Ham Satellites among Payloads Lost in Launch Failure
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GENESIS Ham Satellites among Payloads Lost in Launch Failure

The GENESIS-L and GENESIS-N ham radio satellites were among several carrying amateur radio payloads lost following the failure of the Firefly Alpha rocket during its first launch…

Buddistick Pro from Buddipole
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Buddistick Pro from Buddipole

Brand new and about to be released to the public is the Buddistick Pro from Buddipole, which is a great option for a light weight…

RS-HFIQ 5 Watt HF SDR Transceiver by HobbyPCB
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RS-HFIQ 5 Watt HF SDR Transceiver by HobbyPCB

Here we take a look at the RS-HFIQ 5 Watt HF SDR Transceiver by HobbyPCB. The RS-HFIQ is an open-source HF transceiver project designed to…

L’importanza dell’optoelettronica nella progettazione delle tecnologie per lo spazio
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L’importanza dell’optoelettronica nella progettazione delle tecnologie per lo spazio

Le tecnologie optoelettroniche nascono dall’integrazione dell’ottica classica con l’elettronica, al fine di realizzare componenti e dispositivi come laser, strumenti satellitari e sistemi di illuminazione. Si…

PRAM, il tuo Primo Robot Autonomo Mobile – Parte 2
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PRAM, il tuo Primo Robot Autonomo Mobile – Parte 2

Nel precedente articolo “PRAM, il tuo Primo Robot Autonomo Mobile – Parte 1” abbiamo introdotto il progetto del PRAM, un semplice progetto di robot autonomo…

Leggere le termocoppie con TI MSP430
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Leggere le termocoppie con TI MSP430

Nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. La Texas Instruments propone un circuito di riferimento per la lettura delle termocoppie mediante…

Ritorna “Marzaglia”
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Ritorna “Marzaglia”

Ritorna il mercatino di Marzaglia! L’appuntamento si tiene nella verdissima area del Caravan Camping Club di Marzaglia, e si può proprio dire che duri dall’alba al tramonto, rappresentando un vero…