Giorno: 8 Ottobre 2021

Provisional results IARU R1 50 & 70 MHz CW/SSB Contests
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Provisional results IARU R1 50 & 70 MHz CW/SSB Contests

The provisional results for the last IARU R1 50 MHz CW/SSB and 70 MHz CW/SSB Contests are available on IARU Region 1 VHF & Up Contest Robot…

Starlink di SpaceX, il più avanzato sistema di connessione a banda larga per le zone rurali
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Starlink di SpaceX, il più avanzato sistema di connessione a banda larga per le zone rurali

SpaceX nasce con l’obiettivo di ridurre i costi dell’accesso allo spazio e vanta una grande esperienza nei veicoli spaziali e nelle operazioni in orbita. Ad…

ARRL Continues Its Efforts to Preserve Amateur Radio Secondary Use of the 3 GHz Band
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ARRL Continues Its Efforts to Preserve Amateur Radio Secondary Use of the 3 GHz Band

ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, in a written statement on the newly filed H.R.5378 before the US House Commerce Communications and Technology Subcommittee on Wednesday, urged Congress…

Why Ham Radio [ ARRL Video ]
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Why Ham Radio [ ARRL Video ]

Josh Nass, KI6NAZ, of @Ham Radio Crash Course talks about what ham radio is, and answers the question…. “Why Ham Radio?” Antenna 100 ft Tilting…