Giorno: 16 Ottobre 2021

Propulsione e Potenza nello Spazio
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Propulsione e Potenza nello Spazio

Prima del ventesimo secolo, il viaggio spaziale era in gran parte un volo di fantasia. La maggior parte degli autori in quel periodo non riusciva…

Chameleon CHA-MPAS 2.0 Portable Ham Radio Antenna System
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Chameleon CHA-MPAS 2.0 Portable Ham Radio Antenna System

The Chameleon CHA-MPAS 2.0 just might be the best portable Ham Radio antenna that you can get today, due to its versatile configurations and compact…

Release the KrakenSDR!
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Release the KrakenSDR!

KrakenSDR is now available for crowdfunding on Crowd Supply. Thank you to all interested parties for your patience while we navigated recent pandemic-related delays. KrakenSDR…

Scouting’s Jamboree-on-the-Air Takes Place this Weekend, October 15 – 17
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Scouting’s Jamboree-on-the-Air Takes Place this Weekend, October 15 – 17

PHOTO:K2BSA Scouting’s largest event in the world — Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) — takes place October 15 – 17. During JOTA, Scouts and hams around the world,…