Giorno: 22 Ottobre 2021

CQWW introduces new Youth Overlays
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CQWW introduces new Youth Overlays

CQWW committee stated earlier that: 1) We have created a new YOUTH overlay that will be available to all competitors who are 25 years old…

Un generatore di sinusoide con Arduino
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Un generatore di sinusoide con Arduino

Se ti stai chiedendo come creare un generatore di sinusoide con Arduino sei sull’articolo giusto. La spiegazione che leggerai, se starai con me fino alla…

40th Anniversary of Legal CB Radio in the UK
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40th Anniversary of Legal CB Radio in the UK

  The 40th anniversary of legal UK CB Radio is on 2nd November 2021. As in previous years, a nationwide net will take place with…

7P8RU Lesotho. From
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7P8RU Lesotho. From

7P8RU Team will be active from Lesotho, starting 22 October 2021., 7P8RU Lesotho. From, ,

39th Annual AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting
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39th Annual AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting

Il 39° Symposium Spaziale AMSAT e l’Assemblea Generale annuale, che si terrà il 30 ottobre 2021, includeranno aggiornamenti sui progetti AMSAT e presentazioni sulla tecnologia…