Mese: Ottobre 2021

New CQ World Wide Youth Category to Debut October 30 – 31
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New CQ World Wide Youth Category to Debut October 30 – 31

The new Youth category for the CQ World Wide DX Contest will debut October 30 – 31 with the phone weekend. The category covers contesters age 25…

IARU R1 Youth Working Group connecting with Scouts in Europe
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IARU R1 Youth Working Group connecting with Scouts in Europe

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Team YOTA established a monthly online series called “YOTA Online”. In one of its episodes the main topic covered was the…

Le moderne tecnologie dei circuiti stampati
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Le moderne tecnologie dei circuiti stampati

Il circuito stampato è la piattaforma sulla quale sono montati componenti microelettronici come circuiti integrati e componenti passivi. Fornisce le interconnessioni elettriche tra i componenti…

Termostati evoluti da Freescale
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Termostati evoluti da Freescale

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. Freescale propone due tipologie di hardware da poter utilizzare come termostato,…

Blackpool CB & Amateur Radio Convoy 22/10/2021
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Blackpool CB & Amateur Radio Convoy 22/10/2021

  This sounds like a brilliant event, taking place on Friday 22nd October there will be a CB and Amateur Radio convoy taking place in the…

CB40 – Special Activation
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CB40 – Special Activation

As part of the 40th Anniversary celebrations we have information about a special activation which is taking place on 5th November.  Channel 40 (27.99125) from…

Bristol PMR446 Net
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Bristol PMR446 Net

  Some more PMR446 action tonight in the Bristol Area of the UK. James 26CT3490 and Paul 25JR1972 will be listening for your calls on…

NEW – Albrecht AE6290 at Nevada
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NEW – Albrecht AE6290 at Nevada

  Nevada Radio here in the UK are now taking orders for the Albrecht AE6290. Features: VOX hands-free function Repeater function Large 4.7 cm display…

IARU R1 Conference & Workshop 2021 has started
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IARU R1 Conference & Workshop 2021 has started

On Friday the 15th of October, the IARU R1 Conference & Workshop addressing the future of amateur radio has started. Almost 140 delegates are taking…

Arduino CLI 0.19.0 non solo è disponibile, è la migliore di sempre!
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Arduino CLI 0.19.0 non solo è disponibile, è la migliore di sempre!

Oggigiorno Arduino come azienda ci offre bizzeffe di novità, una “camionata” per essere precisi. L’Arduino Tooling Team oggi ci offre Arduino CLI 0.19.0! Questo nuovo…

Propulsione e Potenza nello Spazio
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Propulsione e Potenza nello Spazio

Prima del ventesimo secolo, il viaggio spaziale era in gran parte un volo di fantasia. La maggior parte degli autori in quel periodo non riusciva…

Chameleon CHA-MPAS 2.0 Portable Ham Radio Antenna System
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Chameleon CHA-MPAS 2.0 Portable Ham Radio Antenna System

The Chameleon CHA-MPAS 2.0 just might be the best portable Ham Radio antenna that you can get today, due to its versatile configurations and compact…

Release the KrakenSDR!
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Release the KrakenSDR!

KrakenSDR is now available for crowdfunding on Crowd Supply. Thank you to all interested parties for your patience while we navigated recent pandemic-related delays. KrakenSDR…

Scouting’s Jamboree-on-the-Air Takes Place this Weekend, October 15 – 17
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Scouting’s Jamboree-on-the-Air Takes Place this Weekend, October 15 – 17

PHOTO:K2BSA Scouting’s largest event in the world — Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) — takes place October 15 – 17. During JOTA, Scouts and hams around the world,…

Raspberry Pi: lanciare script on boot
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Raspberry Pi: lanciare script on boot

Uno degli aspetti più interessanti di Raspberry Pi è senza dubbio quello di poter lanciare script on boot, quindi di avviare un programma interamente scritto…

Mysterious Radio Signal Discovered in Milky Way Center | What Is It!?
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Mysterious Radio Signal Discovered in Milky Way Center | What Is It!?

Ziteng (Andy) Wang is a PhD student at the University of Sydney. He recently discovered an unusual radio signal coming from the direction of the…

IARU Region 1 ATV Contest 2021 Results
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IARU Region 1 ATV Contest 2021 Results

The IARU Region 1 ATV Contest was held on 12/13 June 2021.Due to travel restrictions in some countries caused by the COVID 19 pandemic, the…

10 Progetti con la scheda a microcontrollore Arduino-Raccolta 2020-2021
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10 Progetti con la scheda a microcontrollore Arduino-Raccolta 2020-2021

Cari lettori, vi presentiamo una raccolta di 10 Progetti Fai-da-Te e completamente Open Source da realizzare con la scheda a microcontrollore Arduino. I Progetti sono…

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The HobbyPCB RS-UV3A radio module is a 144/220/450 MHz FM transceiver board. The RS-UV3A is a low cost transceiver solution for Packet Radio, repeaters, Echolink…

Real-time Radio Spectrum Map Database Demo [ Android App ]
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Real-time Radio Spectrum Map Database Demo [ Android App ]

In view of the escalating demand for higher mobile data (from IoT, industry 4.0 applications), there is a growing world-wide interest to improve the radio…

XPA125 Tuner – Any good?
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XPA125 Tuner – Any good?

Today I take the XPA125 Tuner and put it through its paces with a 9:1 EFRW Random Wire Antenna Antenna Chameleon Tactical Delta Loop –…

Solar cycle 25 is here and band activity is up!
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Solar cycle 25 is here and band activity is up!

Showing a bit of what’s happening on the upper frequency bands with the solar cycle finally ramping up. Antenna HF Omniangles HF-28 ( 10 Meters…

Nuove soluzioni di sensori-software con NI e Omega
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Nuove soluzioni di sensori-software con NI e Omega

Farnell, unità commerciale del gruppo Avnet e distributore globale di componenti elettronici, prodotti e soluzioni, ha introdotto sul mercato nuove soluzioni basate sulla configurazione con…

Roamer, il piccolo robot che si ricarica da solo
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Roamer, il piccolo robot che si ricarica da solo

Il piccolo robot Roamer è un’intelligente dimostrazione di come, anche solo con l’utilizzo di materiali e componenti semplici e facilmente reperibili a basso costo, si…

Using FT8 to demonstrate Antenna Orientations
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Using FT8 to demonstrate Antenna Orientations

One man’s observation of different radiation patterns that evolved from choosing different antenna installation orientations. What are your thoughts? Antenna PA0NHC – active, capacitive receiving…