Giorno: 7 Dicembre 2021

Progetto di un sistema IoT per l’acquisizione del prezzo corrente dei Bitcoin
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Progetto di un sistema IoT per l’acquisizione del prezzo corrente dei Bitcoin

In questo articolo descriveremo il progetto di un sistema di acquisizione del prezzo corrente dei Bitcoin mediante il quale saremo in grado di conoscere in…

Baluns VS Antennas : What’s best for What?
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Baluns VS Antennas : What’s best for What?

Wahhab, YI3WHR, is researching some Baluns and is having trouble deciphering what the baluns strengths and capabilities are in comparison to an antenna. So Dave…

Senator Blumenthal Supports Amateur Radio at Senate Confirmation Hearing
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Senator Blumenthal Supports Amateur Radio at Senate Confirmation Hearing

Senator Richard Blumenthal (CT) received an affirmative reply from FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel when he asked her to commit to providing his office “an update…

Xiegu X6100 [ Video Demo ]
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Xiegu X6100 [ Video Demo ]

Xiegu X6100 Antenna Antenna experiment – Fractal Quad for 28 Mhz band March 07, 2015 No comments   “After reading many antenna articles in the…

Switching Rigs Instead of Antennas
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Switching Rigs Instead of Antennas

George, WG4J, has a alpha delta 4 position switch that he wants to use to switch between his radios instead of the antennas. He asks,…