Giorno: 21 Dicembre 2021

Strumenti di misura Software
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Strumenti di misura Software

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. In questa Rubrica del blog EOS abbiamo raccolto gli articoli tecnici…

Do antenna tuners help with shortwave listening?
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Do antenna tuners help with shortwave listening?

 Do antenna tuners help with shortwave listening? Antenna Building the BuddiHex Hexbeam | Best Portable Ham Radio Antenna September 28, 2021 No comments Today I…

GRA-ULT01 Lightweight Portable Antenna Mast Mount Tripod Tower UHF SO239 Connector
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GRA-ULT01 Lightweight Portable Antenna Mast Mount Tripod Tower UHF SO239 Connector

GRA-ULT01 is a telescopic portable tripod for UHF connector portable antennas. Made by Gabil Radio in Taiwan. Designed as part of a portable, backpack, base,…

Ham radio satellite XW-3 (CAS-9) to launch December 25
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Ham radio satellite XW-3 (CAS-9) to launch December 25

The CAMSAT XW-3 (CAS-9) satellite carrying a 145/435 amateur radio linear transponder has been installed on the CZ-4C Y39 launch vehicle at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center,…