Mese: Dicembre 2021

Starting with a Straight Key
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Starting with a Straight Key

“James, has quite a long complicated question but summarize he wants to know if he can start learning morse code with a dual paddle keyer?…

ISS SSTV Transmission Set for Late December
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ISS SSTV Transmission Set for Late December

The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) team will support Slow Scan TV (SSTV) transmissions from the International Space Station (ISS), December 26…

Big Flare Players Popping & An Earth-Directed Launch
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Big Flare Players Popping & An Earth-Directed Launch

“Our Sun is popping some big flare potential this week, with no less than seven numbered regions on the Earth-facing disk (up that to nine,…

Tuning the Buddistick Pro Antenna
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Tuning the Buddistick Pro Antenna

Designed as a multi-band, portable antenna for 40m – 6m, the Buddistick PRO is an excellent performer with any transceiver up to 250 watts.  The…

Alimentatori sotto controllo
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Alimentatori sotto controllo

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. In questa Rubrica del blog EOS abbiamo raccolto gli articoli tecnici…

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  The European price of the new K-PO DX 5000 PLUS has been revealed by one website to be €189 which equates to £161 That…

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022. From
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022. From

DXNews wishes all our subscribers and viewers a Merry Christmas and a DX filled 2021., Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022. From, ,

Strumenti di misura Software
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Strumenti di misura Software

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. In questa Rubrica del blog EOS abbiamo raccolto gli articoli tecnici…

Do antenna tuners help with shortwave listening?
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Do antenna tuners help with shortwave listening?

 Do antenna tuners help with shortwave listening? Antenna Building the BuddiHex Hexbeam | Best Portable Ham Radio Antenna September 28, 2021 No comments Today I…

GRA-ULT01 Lightweight Portable Antenna Mast Mount Tripod Tower UHF SO239 Connector
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GRA-ULT01 Lightweight Portable Antenna Mast Mount Tripod Tower UHF SO239 Connector

GRA-ULT01 is a telescopic portable tripod for UHF connector portable antennas. Made by Gabil Radio in Taiwan. Designed as part of a portable, backpack, base,…

Ham radio satellite XW-3 (CAS-9) to launch December 25
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Ham radio satellite XW-3 (CAS-9) to launch December 25

The CAMSAT XW-3 (CAS-9) satellite carrying a 145/435 amateur radio linear transponder has been installed on the CZ-4C Y39 launch vehicle at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center,…

Applicazioni USB con MSP430
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Applicazioni USB con MSP430

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. In questa Rubrica del blog EOS abbiamo raccolto gli articoli tecnici…

FS/VA3QSL Saint Martin. From
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FS/VA3QSL Saint Martin. From

FS/VA3QSL will be active from Saint Martin Island, IOTA NA – 105, 6 – 22 February 2022., FS/VA3QSL Saint Martin. From, ,

PJ7/VA3QSL Sint Maarten Island. From
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PJ7/VA3QSL Sint Maarten Island. From

VA3QSL will be active from Sint Maarten Island, IOTA NA-105, 4 January – 6 February 2022 as PJ7/VA3QSL., PJ7/VA3QSL Sint Maarten Island. From, ,

WRTC 2022 Award
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WRTC 2022 Award

First time ever dedicated Award to the promotion of the organization of the WRTC 2022 – “World Radio Team Championship”. Beginning 1st January to 10th…

5-Band Frame Anetnna – How to Made
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5-Band Frame Anetnna – How to Made

“The Frame antenna is not a new idea. It was used during the world wars. Due to its dimensions it can be used in restricted…

La soluzione Lateral Power di Vicor premiata con il World Electronics Achievement Award 2021
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La soluzione Lateral Power di Vicor premiata con il World Electronics Achievement Award 2021

Vicor Corporation, azienda leader nei moduli di potenza ad altissime prestazioni, è stata premiata con il World Electronics Achievement Award 2021.  Vicor Corporation, leader nel…

IARU-R1 interim meeting 2022
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IARU-R1 interim meeting 2022

It was decided at the recent EC meeting that we cancel the April interim meeting in Vienna. The pandemic situation look increasingly difficult and travel…

Extension of the toleration regulation for 160 m / 1.850 — 2.000 kHz
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Extension of the toleration regulation for 160 m / 1.850 — 2.000 kHz

Even before the publication of Official Gazette 2021–24 scheduled for Dec. 22, the German Federal Network Agency BNetzA informs that the toleration regulations for 160…

L’architettura dei sistemi IoT
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L’architettura dei sistemi IoT

Si parla continuamente e da tanto tempo dell’IoT (Internet of Things) grazie alla sua immensa capacità di espandersi nei più svariati contesti: dall’uso quotidiano nella…

Cheap Coax Switch Teardown and Comparison
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Cheap Coax Switch Teardown and Comparison

“I have 4 “cheap” coax switches. How do they work? I need to switch between 4 radios and this might just do it! Callum.” Antenna…

23cm Band Studies progressing in CEPT and ITU‑R
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23cm Band Studies progressing in CEPT and ITU‑R

Preparatory activities for WRC23 have continued in a number of committees, working groups and workshops in the ITU‑R, CEPT and the European Commission here in…

Light Deck: un controller luci MIDI con Arduino
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Light Deck: un controller luci MIDI con Arduino

Light Deck è un controller luci basato su protocollo di comunicazione MIDI il cui cuore è un Arduino Micro. In questo articolo scopriremo assieme tutti…

Retevis RB86 20W Waterproof GMRS Mobile Radio
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Retevis RB86 20W Waterproof GMRS Mobile Radio

Waterproof high power GMRS mobile radio RB86, the perfect communication solution for Jeeps,UTVs, off-road and other vehicles. With the nice housing, stability and reliable functions,…

ISS SSTV – 12/26
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ISS SSTV – 12/26

The ARISS team will be supporting Slow Scan TV (SSTV) operations from the International Space Station during the period of Dec 26-31 The images will…