Mese: Dicembre 2021

Introducing the ICOM SHF Project (Super High-Frequency Band Challenge)
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Introducing the ICOM SHF Project (Super High-Frequency Band Challenge)

Icom Incorporated (Headquarters: Hirano-ku, Osaka, President: Hiroshi Nakaoka) has been doing technical research on a new project to create a product from scratch by utilizing…

SDRangel – TX & RX Software Defined Radio
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SDRangel – TX & RX Software Defined Radio

An overview of some of the features in SDRangel, an open-source TX & RX SDR (Software Defined Radio) application. Home Antenna Another Difficult Antenna Situation…

DIY  QRP Multiband Endfed ultra simple + lightweight 40/20/10 (30/17/12)
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DIY $4 QRP Multiband Endfed ultra simple + lightweight 40/20/10 (30/17/12)

“I have build a ultra simple multiband endfed antenna. It weight 58 Gram only.” Antenna The Take-off Angle Theory July 14, 2021 No comments “Kyle,…

Iceland: Use of 160m band renewed for 2022
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Iceland: Use of 160m band renewed for 2022

Iceland’s Amateur Radio Association (IRA) reports that the Telecommunications Authority (Fjarskiptastofa) has approved an application to renew its permit for amateur radio use from 1850–1900…

Farnell supporta scuole, università e centri di ricerca
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Farnell supporta scuole, università e centri di ricerca

Farnell, società del gruppo Avnet e distributore di componenti elettronici, prodotti e soluzioni tecnologiche in tutto il mondo, collabora con alcuni dei principali fornitori del…

I computer basati sul processore 6502 potranno usare i mouse USB grazie ad Arduino
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I computer basati sul processore 6502 potranno usare i mouse USB grazie ad Arduino

Esistono diversi computer custom basati sul processore 6502, uno dei microprocessori ad 8 bit più utilizzati qualche decade fa. Grazie ad Arduino, è possibile usare…

Deep Dive Into The RigExpert AA-2000 ZOOM Antenna Analyzer, SWR/TDR/Cable Loss And MORE
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Deep Dive Into The RigExpert AA-2000 ZOOM Antenna Analyzer, SWR/TDR/Cable Loss And MORE

Here is the Rigexpert AA-2000 Zoom, their flagship antenna analyzer. This is SO MUCH MORE than checking SWR. This is a complete analysis in your…

Da Congatec uno stand fieristico virtuale per lo scambio interattivo di informazioni
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Da Congatec uno stand fieristico virtuale per lo scambio interattivo di informazioni

Congatec, azienda leader a livello mondiale nel comparto dei moduli COM (Computer-On-Module), inaugura uno stand fieristico virtuale per lo scambio interattivo di informazioni.  Introduzione Con…

Progetto di un sistema IoT per l’acquisizione del prezzo corrente dei Bitcoin
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Progetto di un sistema IoT per l’acquisizione del prezzo corrente dei Bitcoin

In questo articolo descriveremo il progetto di un sistema di acquisizione del prezzo corrente dei Bitcoin mediante il quale saremo in grado di conoscere in…

Baluns VS Antennas : What’s best for What?
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Baluns VS Antennas : What’s best for What?

Wahhab, YI3WHR, is researching some Baluns and is having trouble deciphering what the baluns strengths and capabilities are in comparison to an antenna. So Dave…

Senator Blumenthal Supports Amateur Radio at Senate Confirmation Hearing
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Senator Blumenthal Supports Amateur Radio at Senate Confirmation Hearing

Senator Richard Blumenthal (CT) received an affirmative reply from FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel when he asked her to commit to providing his office “an update…

Xiegu X6100 [ Video Demo ]
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Xiegu X6100 [ Video Demo ]

Xiegu X6100 Antenna Antenna experiment – Fractal Quad for 28 Mhz band March 07, 2015 No comments   “After reading many antenna articles in the…

Switching Rigs Instead of Antennas
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Switching Rigs Instead of Antennas

George, WG4J, has a alpha delta 4 position switch that he wants to use to switch between his radios instead of the antennas. He asks,…

Il CMRR negli Operazionali ad Ampia Gamma Dinamica
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Il CMRR negli Operazionali ad Ampia Gamma Dinamica

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. In questa Rubrica del blog EOS abbiamo raccolto gli articoli tecnici…

7P8GOZ Lesotho. From
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7P8GOZ Lesotho. From

Chris, ZS1CDG will be active as 7P8GOZ from Lesotho, 20 – 26 December 2021., 7P8GOZ Lesotho. From, ,

Bill Somerville, G4WJS SK
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Bill Somerville, G4WJS SK

From Joe, K1JT, we received the sad news that Bill Somerville, G4WJS, died suddenly and unexpectedly a few days ago. He was only about 65…

Soluzioni LoRaWAN-in-a-Box nate dalla partnership tra Digi-Key, Seeed Studio e Machinechat
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Soluzioni LoRaWAN-in-a-Box nate dalla partnership tra Digi-Key, Seeed Studio e Machinechat

Digi-Key Electronics ha stretto una collaborazione con Seeed Studio e Machinechat con lo scopo di lanciare le prime soluzioni private LoRaWAN-in-a-Box del settore per le…

Video KL7RRC Adak Island. From
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Video KL7RRC Adak Island. From

Video KL7RRC Adak Island, IOTA NA – 039, Alaska, 14 – 16 July 2021., Video KL7RRC Adak Island. From, ,

Overview of the Chameleon MPAS 2.0 [ 6M – 160M ]
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Overview of the Chameleon MPAS 2.0 [ 6M – 160M ]

Use the Ideal NOALOX 4 oz. Anti-Oxidant Compound to improve the efficiency of aluminum conductor connections. This compound provides additional inner-strand and inner-conductor current paths. The Modular…

PDW – An SDR Decoder For ACARS & POCSAG Pagers
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PDW – An SDR Decoder For ACARS & POCSAG Pagers

PDW – An SDR Decoder For ACARS & POCSAG Pagers Antenna MFJ-856 Line Noise Meter w/ 3 Element Beam April 20, 2015 No comments  …

Ultimate HT Antenna Shootout
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Ultimate HT Antenna Shootout

HT Antenna The most common question I get? What antenna do you use or recommend for your hand held ham radio? Well today, I’m going…

Le criptovalute sono sostenibili?
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Le criptovalute sono sostenibili?

Le criptovalute, ormai in circolazione da dieci anni, stanno entrando nella nostra quotidianità; per questo motivo è necessario pensare se queste tecnologie finanziarie che, essendo…

President Thomas FCC AM/FM Due January 2022
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President Thomas FCC AM/FM Due January 2022

  President have announced that the new Thomas FCC AM/FM will be available in the US from January 2022, priced at $109 Specifications: – 40…

President McKinley EU – SPECIAL PRICE At Moonraker
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President McKinley EU – SPECIAL PRICE At Moonraker

  Moonraker, here in the UK, currently have the President McKinley EU on offer at the very reasonable price of only £206.99 So it’s great…

JX/LB5SH Jan Mayen Island. From
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JX/LB5SH Jan Mayen Island. From

Stian, JX/LB5SH will be active from Jan Mayen Island, IOTA EU – 022, 17 – 22 June 2022., JX/LB5SH Jan Mayen Island. From, ,