Giorno: 4 Febbraio 2022

Come discriminare gli asintomatici Covid da un colpo di tosse
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Come discriminare gli asintomatici Covid da un colpo di tosse

I ricercatori del MIT hanno ipotizzato che i soggetti affetti da COVID-19, in particolare gli asintomatici, potrebbero essere accuratamente discriminati per mezzo di un colpo…

NEW Uniden PC78LTXFM * USA *
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NEW Uniden PC78LTXFM * USA *

    (Mock-up photo based on the old model) So hot on the heels of the new Bearcat 880FM, Uniden announce yet another FM CB…

L’Editoriale di Febbraio 2022
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L’Editoriale di Febbraio 2022

Contiamoci per contareMauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ Scrivere l’editoriale è sempre un’occasione, tanto per chi lo redige quanto, auspicabilmente, per chi lo legge, di riflessione sugli argomenti…

Contributo radioamatori 2022
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Contributo radioamatori 2022

Per scaricare il documento in PDF cliccare sull’immagine

Webinar Set to Discuss Amateur Radio and AUXCOM Support to Department of Defense
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Webinar Set to Discuss Amateur Radio and AUXCOM Support to Department of Defense

On February 18, at 0100 UTC (the evening of Thursday, February 17, in North American time zones), the US Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM)…

Research on Ancient Massive Solar Storms Suggests a Need to Prepare for the Next Ones
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Research on Ancient Massive Solar Storms Suggests a Need to Prepare for the Next Ones

Numerous powerful X-class solar flares occurred last fall as Solar Cycle 25 activity picked up. Jon Jones, N0JK, covered the event in his QST column, “The World…

Ham Clock
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Ham Clock

This live screen grab is from one of my HamClocks. It updates automatically every minute after making a random change. News highlights: See the complete version…