Giorno: 15 Febbraio 2022

LoRaWAN Gateway
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LoRaWAN Gateway

Un gateway LoRaWAN ha il compito di ricevere i dati inviati da sensori via radio e ritrasmetterli verso la rete LoRaWAN utilizzando internet. In genere…

Arduino UNO Mini Limited Edition: l’evoluzione miniaturizzata della storica scheda a microcontrollore
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Arduino UNO Mini Limited Edition: l’evoluzione miniaturizzata della storica scheda a microcontrollore

La scheda di sviluppo preferita dalle community di makers, dai progettisti e dagli hobbisti di tutto il mondo, è diventata di formato mini. Arduino UNO…

Lido Radio – Mobile Mounting Solutions 
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Lido Radio – Mobile Mounting Solutions 

Lido Radio Products has been in business since 2004. Our mission when we first opened our store was to supply customers with mounting solutions that…

Kites for antennas
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Kites for antennas

With the advent of radio, the snake was not forgotten either.In military affairs, a similar method of improving radio communications was used in the early…

Practical ways we resolved our QRM problems
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Practical ways we resolved our QRM problems

QRM or RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) can play havoc with your ability to hear weak signals on Ham Radio. In this video myself and TheSmokinApe…