Giorno: 18 Febbraio 2022

Realizziamo una Tela Virtuale con OpenCV per Python
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Realizziamo una Tela Virtuale con OpenCV per Python

In questo articolo andremo ad utilizzare la libreria OpenCV in Python per realizzare un progetto che chiameremo “Tela virtuale”. Tale applicazione consente di disegnare, virtualmente,…

Space Pioneers Amateur Radio Kit Initiative! 
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Space Pioneers Amateur Radio Kit Initiative! 

Frank Bauer KA3HDO had a minute to fill us in on the new ARISS education initiative SPARKI Antenna Fan Dipoles June 07, 2021 No comments…

What can happen with a Horizontal Inverted Vee? 
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What can happen with a Horizontal Inverted Vee? 

Ed, KN4RWQ, is thinking about taking his horizontal antenna and setting it up on its side to create an inverted vee. Would this work? Antenna…