Giorno: 9 Marzo 2022

Matter per l’interoperabilità tra dispositivi smart
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Matter per l’interoperabilità tra dispositivi smart

Nell’ambito della casa intelligente sono nate molte piattaforme ed ecosistemi che consentono di progettare la propria smarthome. Purtroppo questi ecosistemi nella maggior parte dei casi…

Antenna Height – why it is important, what are the benefits
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Antenna Height – why it is important, what are the benefits

The height of a radio antenna or radio aerial can have a significant impact on its performance, especially at VHF and UHF. We often see…

Cubical Quad Antenna, is this the best directional antenna?
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Cubical Quad Antenna, is this the best directional antenna?

In this video I build a 2m cubical quad antenna. I show the parts I designed an 3D printed for the build. Antenna 100 Ft…

Use the Mast as the Antenna 
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Use the Mast as the Antenna 

Bill, AA6BD, wants to attach his antenna in a very common manner of attaching it to the back of a trailer and he wants to…