Giorno: 16 Marzo 2022

Sensori per sistemi embedded – Parte 1
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Sensori per sistemi embedded – Parte 1

Il seguente articolo si pone l’obiettivo di offrire un focus pratico di approfondimento sui sensori per sistemi embedded, quali Arduino e Raspberry Pi. Dato l’ampio…

Multiband Ground Plane Antenna [ 3D print ]
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Multiband Ground Plane Antenna [ 3D print ]

Ham Radio Multiband Ground Plane Antenna by ok1cdj Download Files : This is remix from The idea is make 3 or 4 band lightweight portable vertical…

How to add a TRUE panadapter to the Yaesu FTDX10
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How to add a TRUE panadapter to the Yaesu FTDX10

He we take a look at how to install a PAT70 High Z buffer board from SDR KITS into a FTDX10 to provide a second…

Which to buy? Yaesu FTdx-10 or Icom IC-7300
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Which to buy? Yaesu FTdx-10 or Icom IC-7300

“A viewer asks: I’m going to HRO to get my first HF (transceiver) Saturday. Is the Yaesu FTdx-10 worth the money over the Icom IC-7300?…