Giorno: 11 Aprile 2022

Microcontrollori a basso consumo
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Microcontrollori a basso consumo

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

XT2MAX Burkina Faso. From
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XT2MAX Burkina Faso. From

Directly from Max XT2MAX/DK1MAX has now reached more than 3000 QSOs, XT2MAX Burkina Faso. From, ,

3D2RRR Rotuma Island. From
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3D2RRR Rotuma Island. From

3D2RRR Team will be active from Rotuma Island, IOTA OC – 060., 3D2RRR Rotuma Island. From, ,

How to get 9 ham bands from one 17′ extendable antenna whip and how to set it up FAST!
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How to get 9 ham bands from one 17′ extendable antenna whip and how to set it up FAST!

“In this Video I show how to make an antenna stake that will be fast and strong for portable Ham Radio work. The stake has…