Giorno: 4 Maggio 2022

Provisional results IARU R1 50 MHz MGM Contest
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Provisional results IARU R1 50 MHz MGM Contest

Provisional results for the last 2022 IARU R1 50 MHz MGM Contest held on April 16th/17th are available on IARU Region 1 VHF & Up Contest Robot….

Alexa chiama, Arduino risponde!
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Alexa chiama, Arduino risponde!

Dotare il proprio Arduino di comandi vocali non è mai stato così semplice grazie all’integrazione con sistemi di sintesi vocale per la propria smart home….

ARI International DX Contest 2022
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ARI International DX Contest 2022

1. The Associazione Radioamatori Italiani (A.R.I.) has the honour of inviting radio amateurs from all over the world to participate in the ARI International DX Contest. 2. Aim: it is a…

Ameco AC-1T Unboxing
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Ameco AC-1T Unboxing

Ameco was an old Ham Radio company that existed back in the 50s. Now it is being remade as a sort of modern, vintage radio…