Giorno: 17 Maggio 2022

Riconoscimento dei gesti con Wio Terminal
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Riconoscimento dei gesti con Wio Terminal

Grazie ai recenti miglioramenti nell’ottimizzazione dei modelli di Machine Learning e all’emergere di framework creati appositamente per eseguire l’inferenza sui microcontrollori, è diventato possibile dare…

President Harrison 2 has NRC + CTCSS/DCS
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President Harrison 2 has NRC + CTCSS/DCS

  Confirmation from President that the upcoming Harrison 2 will have the Noise Reduction Circuit built in.  Another interesting feature is the CTCCS/DCS which isn’t often…

CRT SS6900 V – Now With NRC!
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CRT SS6900 V – Now With NRC!

  Good news that the CRT SS6900 V now comes with the Noise Reduction Circuit built in. The previous version inexplicably did not have this…

President Bill 2 – First Photo + Manual
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President Bill 2 – First Photo + Manual

  Here we have the first photo of the new President Bill 2 (Not to be confused with the Bill 2 FCC which is coming…