Mese: Maggio 2022

XIEGU G106 – First Look at this New HF Transceiver 
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XIEGU G106 – First Look at this New HF Transceiver 

XIEGU G106 Xiegu keep themselves pretty busy developing cost effective QRP transceivers. This new model is a replacement for the G1M. Peter G3OJV gets some…

Battery Powered Automatic Antenna Tuner, 100 Watt Max, Portable Ham Radio Tuner Review/Demo
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Battery Powered Automatic Antenna Tuner, 100 Watt Max, Portable Ham Radio Tuner Review/Demo

“Here is a small $100 portable battery powered ham radio antenna tuner, which deserves a review. I have it connected to my Icom IC-705 but…

K4BEN, announces the official beta of his Remote Radio Service
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K4BEN, announces the official beta of his Remote Radio Service

K4BEN, announces the official beta of his Remote Radio Service, It is a very simple concept: his enterprise-class, redundant network, your station. There are a lot…

Gli amplificatori a bassissima corrente di polarizzazione
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Gli amplificatori a bassissima corrente di polarizzazione

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

Shortage delle batterie
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Shortage delle batterie

Lo shortage dei componenti elettronici ha messo a dura prova diversi settori. In questo articolo analizziamo lo scenario attuale e le prospettive secondo GPBM, marchio…

Utilizzare l’ESP32 con il servizio cloud AWS IoT Core
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Utilizzare l’ESP32 con il servizio cloud AWS IoT Core

Amazon Web Services o AWS come abbreviazione è un popolare provider di servizi cloud che abilita servizi on-demand come elaborazione, archiviazione, networking, sicurezza, database, ecc….

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“First, we would like to thank you for your continued support of our company and products. As Heil Sound Communications continues to grow we wanted…

Introducing SDRconnect – SDRplay Hamvention 2022 demo
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Introducing SDRconnect – SDRplay Hamvention 2022 demo

This video shows the demo we are showing this weekend (May 20-22) at Hamvention in Dayton, Ohio. This demonstrates the core underlying technology behind what…

New at ICOM Hamvention 2022!
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New at ICOM Hamvention 2022!

ICOM Hamvention 2022! Take your contesting experience to the next level with the latest LDMOS power device with features supporting a SO2R operation in one…

AMSAT-UK  announce the 2022 International Space Colloquium
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AMSAT-UK announce the 2022 International Space Colloquium

AMSAT-UK is very happy to announce the 2022 AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium will be held as part of the RSGB Convention on October 8-9 at…

ICOM IC705 firmware 1.27 has just been released
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ICOM IC705 firmware 1.27 has just been released

Download Type Firmware Model name IC-705 Version Version 1.27 Update 2022/05/20 Major changes Changes from Version 1.26Improved to enable forcing an All Reset by connecting…

Apacer all’Embedded World: Padiglione 1, Stand 439 – Le soluzioni SSD e DRAM più affidabili per le industrie
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Apacer all’Embedded World: Padiglione 1, Stand 439 – Le soluzioni SSD e DRAM più affidabili per le industrie

All’Embedded World (21-23 giugno, Norimberga/Germania) nel Padiglione 1, Stand 439, Apacer presenterà le sue ultime soluzioni di storage industriale per applicazioni esigenti nei mercati dell’automazione…

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In this video I show you how to install the best PL-259 connector in the world! The Messi & Paoloni Evolution PL-259 Connector for Messi…

7 Things When Building Your Ham Radio Shack
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7 Things When Building Your Ham Radio Shack

“I have installed two major ham shack builds over the years. One was a DISASTER! This is what I learned when designing my new ham…

Creazione di una rete ESP-Mesh in pochi passi
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Creazione di una rete ESP-Mesh in pochi passi

Con l’aumento del numero di dispositivi IoT, cresce la necessità di strumenti di rete superiori che possano supportare il maggiore carico. Tuttavia, se consideriamo un…

ACOM 2020S | Solid-State 1.8-54 MHz Linear Amplifier
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ACOM 2020S | Solid-State 1.8-54 MHz Linear Amplifier

ACOM 2020S | Solid-State 1.8-54 MHz Linear Amplifier Easy to operateThe overall operation of ACOM 2020S is extremely simplified: the touch screen menus are intuitive…

MKU PA 23CM-1200W A – Power Amplifier
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MKU PA 23CM-1200W A – Power Amplifier

High power linear amplifier for the 23 cm Amateur Radio band Our high-performance amplifier for the 23 cm amateur radio band achieves great performance, high efficiency…

You are using the WRONG toroid for an EFHW Antenna, Maybe!
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You are using the WRONG toroid for an EFHW Antenna, Maybe!

Did you know, not all Toroids are created the same? They may look the same, but there is one big difference! UPDATE: I’m sorry, in…

Avnet Silica presenta tecnologie AI/ML innovative all’Embedded World 2022
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Avnet Silica presenta tecnologie AI/ML innovative all’Embedded World 2022

All’Embedded World Exhibition & Conference, Avnet Silica presenterà tecnologie AI/ML innovative e funzionalità di Intelligenza Artificiale all’avanguardia, in partnership con i principali produttori. Con un…

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COBWEB ANTENNA Multiband cobweb antenna works on 7 HF bands and up to 1000w. Bands are 14,18,21,24,28,50,70 MHz Built and modified by me for my…

S.P.E Expert has been selected as the exclusive amplifier for the Bouvet DXpedition
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S.P.E Expert has been selected as the exclusive amplifier for the Bouvet DXpedition

This week we rcvd 4 x S.P.E amplifiers in Oslo. All amplifiers have been fully serviced for free at the factory in Italy, and some…

CW QSO Simulator for iPhone and Android
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CW QSO Simulator for iPhone and Android

This app is a real CW QSO simulator for ham radio operators. Supports “599BK style QSO”.In order to reproduce a realistic QSO environment, the generated…

ICOM will announce news at Hamvention
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ICOM will announce news at Hamvention

This morning Icom announced that it will have “new and exciting is on the horizon” during Dayton Hamvention 2022 Will it be a new HF…

Riconoscimento dei gesti con Wio Terminal
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Riconoscimento dei gesti con Wio Terminal

Grazie ai recenti miglioramenti nell’ottimizzazione dei modelli di Machine Learning e all’emergere di framework creati appositamente per eseguire l’inferenza sui microcontrollori, è diventato possibile dare…

President Harrison 2 has NRC + CTCSS/DCS
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President Harrison 2 has NRC + CTCSS/DCS

  Confirmation from President that the upcoming Harrison 2 will have the Noise Reduction Circuit built in.  Another interesting feature is the CTCCS/DCS which isn’t often…