Giorno: 26 Giugno 2022

Semplice ampli LM386 con cassa acustica
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Semplice ampli LM386 con cassa acustica

Ecco un articolo pratico e didattico che illustra la completa realizzazione di un amplificatore BF di bassa potenza, utilizzando l’integrato LM386, un altoparlante e una…

CB Radio Anniversary 27th June 2022
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CB Radio Anniversary 27th June 2022

  It’s that time of year again when stations across the UK celebrate the legalisation of AM and SSB. 8 years have passed since AM…

SDRplay SDRconnect demo at Friedrichshafen 2022
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SDRplay SDRconnect demo at Friedrichshafen 2022

This video shows the demo we showed at Ham Radio 2022, in Friedrichshafen, Germany. This demonstrates the core underlying technology behind what we’re calling “SDRconnect”…

Mini DIGITAL PWR / SWR meter review
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Mini DIGITAL PWR / SWR meter review

This is the review of a Mini portable PWR and SWR meter with built-in battery and High SWR warning buzzer. There are also the Xiegu…

Amateur/RNSS Coexistence – 23cm Band
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Amateur/RNSS Coexistence – 23cm Band

23cm Band After review and approval by the IARU Region 1 Executive Committee and the IARU Administrative Council a presentation on preliminary Amateur / RNSS Coexistence…

Building a Yaesu FT-891 remote control box
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Building a Yaesu FT-891 remote control box

Dave, KZ9V stops by the shack, and share with us his memory keyer remote control box he built for the Yaesu FT-891 Antenna OMNI-TILT Vertical…