Giorno: 14 Luglio 2022

Progettiamo una Sensor Network per i parametri ambientali – Parte 2
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Progettiamo una Sensor Network per i parametri ambientali – Parte 2

Nell’ultimo decennio si sono sviluppate moltissime piattaforme hardware orientate all’Internet of Things in tutte le sue forme ed applicazioni: domotica, monitoraggio, applicazioni industriali, automotive e…

Video: CRT SS7900V Turbo
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Video: CRT SS7900V Turbo

Video:YouTube/Scott’s Radios Another video from Scott’s Radios featuring the new CRT SS7900 Turbo. You will see how good the adjustable Noise Reduction Circuit is on…

D2TX Angola. From
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D2TX Angola. From

Bernie, ZS4TX will be active from Angola 12-16 August 2022., D2TX Angola. From, ,

PICOAPRS V4 TINY APRS VHF [ Review in Spanish ]
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PICOAPRS V4 TINY APRS VHF [ Review in Spanish ]

PICOAPRS V4 APRS + radio FM VHF 144-146 MHz (144-148 en la versión estadounidense) 0,5 / 1 vatio 21 posiciones de memoria Función de escaneo…

New FT8 plugin for SDRuno
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New FT8 plugin for SDRuno

Jan van Katwijk has released an FT8 plugin for SDRuno. In this video for Hamguides, Mike demonstrates how to use it Direct GitHub link to…

ALPHA RF Systems and Ten-Tec – Dayton Hamvention 2022
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ALPHA RF Systems and Ten-Tec – Dayton Hamvention 2022

ALPHA RF Systems and Ten-Tec 2022 saw the return of the Dayton Hamvention and also celebrated the 70th anniversary of the world’s largest ham radio…

Yaesu FT-710 AESS, Why you won’t be purchasing one anytime soon!
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Yaesu FT-710 AESS, Why you won’t be purchasing one anytime soon!

Yaesu FT-710 “So with Yaesu Japan releasing the news of the FT-710 for the Japaneses market there was some confusion to what the U.S. version…

An Affordable HF AUTO Tuner From Banggood
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An Affordable HF AUTO Tuner From Banggood

HF AUTO Tuner Sometimes more isn’t better, especially when it comes to price… I was pleasantly surprised by this affordable automatic tuner from Banggood. It…