Mese: Luglio 2022

An Affordable HF AUTO Tuner From Banggood
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An Affordable HF AUTO Tuner From Banggood

HF AUTO Tuner Sometimes more isn’t better, especially when it comes to price… I was pleasantly surprised by this affordable automatic tuner from Banggood. It…

IARU HF Contest — log submission issue
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IARU HF Contest — log submission issue

Unfortunately there seem to have been a temporary issue with log submission on the ARRL web site. The following has been posted on UK reflectors:…

Acquisizione dati da Multimetro Digitale Agilent 34401 con LabVIEW
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Acquisizione dati da Multimetro Digitale Agilent 34401 con LabVIEW

L’ambiente di sviluppo LabVIEW offre la possibilità di eseguire l’acquisizione di misure da hardware come NI DAQ o da strumenti di terze parti. In questo…

Video JW0X JW100QO Svalbard. From
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Video JW0X JW100QO Svalbard. From

Video JW0X JW100QO DX Pedition Svalbard Island, April 2022., Video JW0X JW100QO Svalbard. From, ,

5K0YD San Andres Island. From
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5K0YD San Andres Island. From

Alejandro, LU8YD will be active as 5K0YD from San Andres Island, IOTA NA – 033, 16 – 26 September 2022., 5K0YD San Andres Island. From…

IARUMS R1 Newsletter June 2022
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IARUMS R1 Newsletter June 2022

The IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter June 2022 is now available.Click on the link to read it! …

Un Ebook sull’elettrificazione nel settore automotive
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Un Ebook sull’elettrificazione nel settore automotive

Vicor Corporation, società leader nei moduli di alimentazione ad alte prestazioni, ha presentato il nuovo Ebook  sull’elettrificazione in campo automotive. Vicor, leader nel settore del…

USB On-The-Go (OTG)
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USB On-The-Go (OTG)

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

Arduino Nicla Sense ME come shield MKR
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Arduino Nicla Sense ME come shield MKR

Arduino Nicla Sense ME può essere impostata e utilizzata come shield MKR grazie al suo fattore di forma. In questo breve articolo vedremo come convertire…

CAD in Rete: Signal Integrity
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CAD in Rete: Signal Integrity

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

Progetto di un misuratore di corrente elettrica basato sul sensore ad effetto Hall ACS712 – Parte 1
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Progetto di un misuratore di corrente elettrica basato sul sensore ad effetto Hall ACS712 – Parte 1

I circuiti integrati ad effetto Hall consentono l’adozione di tecniche di rilevamento della corrente “non intrusive” e un rilevamento sicuro e isolato di livelli di…

First Look President Bill II AM/FM CB
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First Look President Bill II AM/FM CB

Video:YouTube/Scott’s Radios First look video from Scott’s Radios in the US of the new President Bill II FCC – The latest radio to come with…

Gestire la Luce Ambiente con TI OPT3001
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Gestire la Luce Ambiente con TI OPT3001

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

NEW RADIO – Yaesu FT-710
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NEW RADIO – Yaesu FT-710

  Yaesu have announced a new radio in the shape of the FT-710 The radio will cover 160-6m with 100w output. There are also two…

Progettiamo una Sensor Network per i parametri ambientali – Parte 1
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Progettiamo una Sensor Network per i parametri ambientali – Parte 1

Nell’ultimo decennio si sono sviluppate moltissime piattaforme hardware orientate all’Internet of Things in tutte le sue forme ed applicazioni: domotica, monitoraggio, applicazioni industriali, automotive e…

LU4ZS Marambio Station Seymour Island. From
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LU4ZS Marambio Station Seymour Island. From

LU4ZS will be active from Marambio station, Seymour Island, IOTA AN-013, Antarctica, during July 2022., LU4ZS Marambio Station Seymour Island. From, ,

LU1ZD San Martin Base Barry Island. From
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LU1ZD San Martin Base Barry Island. From

LU1ZD will be active from Antarctic San Martin Base, Barry Island, IOTA AN-016, during July 2022., LU1ZD San Martin Base Barry Island. From, ,

Yaesu FTM 200DR & FTM 300DR – Dayton Hamvention 2022
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Yaesu FTM 200DR & FTM 300DR – Dayton Hamvention 2022

2022 saw the return of the Dayton Hamvention and also celebrated the 70th anniversary of the world’s largest ham radio trade show. Ham Radio Outlet…

Avnet Abacus è stata premiata con il TDK European Distribution Gold Award
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Avnet Abacus è stata premiata con il TDK European Distribution Gold Award

Avnet Abacus, società leader in Europa nella distribuzione di prodotti d’interconnessione, componenti passivi, dispositivi elettromeccanici e unità di potenza, nonché divisione regionale di Avnet, è…

Adding dB Gain to your Transmit Signal. Howe much difference?
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Adding dB Gain to your Transmit Signal. Howe much difference?

There are a number of ways to add dB gain to your transmitted signal. But how much difference does 3dB or 6dB make? Is it…

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To support amateur self-training in radiocommunications including improving amateur operating skills, conducting technical investigations, and intercommunicating with other amateurs around the world, especially IARU member…

10-Min Tear-Down DX Commander Expedition Antenna
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10-Min Tear-Down DX Commander Expedition Antenna

My Holiday Ham Radio Antenna. NOTE: I used a Classic Stay-Up kit as an experiment. These are not normally supplied but I was away for…

ARRL Field Day 2022: 500,000 Contacts Already Reported
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ARRL Field Day 2022: 500,000 Contacts Already Reported

2022 ARRL target=”_blank” href=”” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>Field Day wrapped up nearly a week ago, and ARRL Headquarters has already received over 2,400 entries submitted via the online target=”_blank” href=””…

Better Ground Radials for the Wolf River Coil
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Better Ground Radials for the Wolf River Coil

I demonstrate an improved ground radial system for the Wolf River Coil Silver Bullet 1000 Antenna Another Look at the4 Alpha-Delta DX-EE Antenna April 08,…

La realizzazione di Industry 4.0: considerazioni sistemiche essenziali
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La realizzazione di Industry 4.0: considerazioni sistemiche essenziali

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…