Giorno: 9 Agosto 2022

Progettiamo una Sensor Network per i parametri ambientali – Parte 4
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Progettiamo una Sensor Network per i parametri ambientali – Parte 4

Nell’ultimo decennio si sono sviluppate moltissime piattaforme hardware orientate all’Internet of Things in tutte le sue forme: domotica, monitoraggio, applicazioni industriali, automotive e tanto altro….

Wouxun KG-1000G GMRS 50 Watt Mobile Transceiver
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Wouxun KG-1000G GMRS 50 Watt Mobile Transceiver

Wouxun KG-1000G GMRS 50 Watt Mobile Transceiver With TONS Of Features Antenna Building Coaxial Cable Traps by W8WWV March 14, 2015 No comments   “…

Is an FT-818 worth it in 2022?
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Is an FT-818 worth it in 2022?

FT-818 This week Tony and Gary revisit Yaesu’s FT-818 and discuss if it is still relevant in 2022? Antenna TennTennas Mini EFHW 49:1 25W All…

Regular Man Fits PL259 Coax Connectors
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Regular Man Fits PL259 Coax Connectors

Not all PL259s are the same. The newer designs are a superior design and accurate. Anyway, I nearly cock this up. Perhaps rate me out…