Giorno: 10 Settembre 2022

Entry Level License Class for Germany
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Entry Level License Class for Germany

Press Release by Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC e.V.)+ DARC e.V. — Department of Education, Youth and Further Education (AJW)Baunatal, Germany — 07.09.2022 Today, the…

Lenti a contatto smart: dalla correzione visiva all’invisible computing
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Lenti a contatto smart: dalla correzione visiva all’invisible computing

Le lenti a contatto smart sono una tecnologia avveniristica che, in futuro, potrebbe rivoluzionare completamente il mondo della salute e dell’intrattenimento, fornendo un supporto consistente…

Accendere e spegnere LED mediante i dispositivi ombra di AWS IoT
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Accendere e spegnere LED mediante i dispositivi ombra di AWS IoT

Le applicazioni necessitano di una rete stabile per comunicare in tempo reale con i dispositivi IoT. In caso contrario, i dispositivi possono disconnettersi o essere…

V48DM Saint Kitts Island. From
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V48DM Saint Kitts Island. From

V48DM Team will be active from Saint Kitts Island, IOTA NA – 104, Saint Kitts and Nevis, 25 October – 1 November 2022., V48DM Saint…

Insertion Loss, A/B Amplifier Relay, Why It Is Called An RCA Phono Plug/Jack,
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Insertion Loss, A/B Amplifier Relay, Why It Is Called An RCA Phono Plug/Jack,

Jim W6LG YouTube Elmer shows how to measure insertion loss on a box he built with a relay inside to select one of two linear…

Xiegu G106 Ham Radio Review – “It’s Just OK”
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Xiegu G106 Ham Radio Review – “It’s Just OK”

The G106 seems like a radio that is just about worth what they are charging for it. When considering the cost of HF radios today,…