Giorno: 25 Ottobre 2022

GXP Antenna 16 elements 5 bands – Contest
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GXP Antenna 16 elements 5 bands – Contest

Antenna BEAM 16 elements 5 bands „contest” (New model 2022) Bands: 80/40/20/15/10 [ m ] Active elements: 2/ 3/ 3/ 3/ 5 [ pcs ]…

RX888 MK2 16BIT Software Defined Radio
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RX888 MK2 16BIT Software Defined Radio

Here we take a look at the RX888 Mk2 SDR Receiver which has a whopping 64 MHz real time bandwidth on HF! RX-888 MKII SDR…

M&P Silicon Seal – Strain Relief: The Ultimate Protection for Connectors
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M&P Silicon Seal – Strain Relief: The Ultimate Protection for Connectors

Self-tightening silicone rubber tubular gasket for our cables Ø 5,4 (.212”) or 7,3mm (.287”) or 10,3mm (.400”) or 12,7mm (.500”), matched to any one of our related connectors and adapters (Except 7/16…

HF 3 Band Antenna on 6 meter boom 20m 15m and 10m
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HF 3 Band Antenna on 6 meter boom 20m 15m and 10m

HF 3 Band Antenna designed for 20m 15m and 10m 3B-334HD Ultimate HF Tri-band Antenna 3B-334HD with central wide-spaced elements that can fit in antenna…

Counterpoise For Long Wire Antenna
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Counterpoise For Long Wire Antenna

Robert, KD1JG, has some questions on his options for his balun set up. I have multiple suggestions for his set up. Watch to learn more…