Giorno: 26 Novembre 2022

ITU‑R Working Party 5A is making progress on the 23cm amateur band and RNSS (radio navigation satellite service) coexistence.
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ITU‑R Working Party 5A is making progress on the 23cm amateur band and RNSS (radio navigation satellite service) coexistence.

Over the period 14th to 25th November 2022, the preparatory work for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1b continued in ITU‑R Working Party 5A (WP5A). Two deliverables…

Circuiti di acquisizione ed elaborazione dei segnali – Parte 3
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Circuiti di acquisizione ed elaborazione dei segnali – Parte 3

Sul blog di Elettronica Open Source puoi leggere non solo tutti gli articoli Premium riservati agli abbonati Platinum 2.0 e inseriti nella rivista Firmware 2.0…

Pacificon – SteppIR Antenna
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Pacificon – SteppIR Antenna

SteppIR Antenna This is another video from Pacificon 2022. I will interviewing another vender. John Mertel, WA7IR, for SteppIR. Watch to learn more. Antenna Cheap…

Using A Uniden Wireless Mic For ICOM Radios??
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Using A Uniden Wireless Mic For ICOM Radios??

Would you like a wireless mic option for your ICOM radios? Well, there is a way to do it with a Uniden CB mic. And…

I Love It! Game Changing Wolf River Sporty Forty Coil review
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I Love It! Game Changing Wolf River Sporty Forty Coil review

The Wolf River Sporty Forty is a single band base loaded coil for 40 meter operation using the Wolf River 213 inch, Chameleon CHA SS-17,…