Giorno: 21 Gennaio 2023

Provisional results IARU R1 Marconi Memorial VHF Contest
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Provisional results IARU R1 Marconi Memorial VHF Contest

Provisional results for the last 2022 IARU R1 Marconi Memorial VHF Contest are available on IARU Region 1 VHF & Up Contest Robot. Here are…

CEPT accepts an IARU study for the regulatory work on 23cm band amateur / RNSS coexistence.
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CEPT accepts an IARU study for the regulatory work on 23cm band amateur / RNSS coexistence.

As usual the IARU participated in the most recent CEPT SE40 meeting developing the ECC Report on 23cm band amateur and RNSS GALILEO coexistence. The…

Monitorare l’inquinamento ambientale con la scheda Arduino MKR WAN 1300
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Monitorare l’inquinamento ambientale con la scheda Arduino MKR WAN 1300

In questo blogpost parliamo di un piccolo progetto che è stato realizzato per monitorare il livello di inquinamento atmosferico. Il problema dell’inquinamento atmosferico è causa…