Mese: Luglio 2024

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3D22 Rotuma. From

3D22 Team will be active from Rotuma Island, IOTA OC – 060., 3D22 Rotuma. From, ,

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RESOLVED – Internet connectivity issue at RSGB HQ

The internet connectivity issue at RSGB HQ has now been resolved and our systems are now back in action. Thank you for your patience while…

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Il radar nelle applicazioni smart IoT

Alla base delle applicazioni IoT intelligenti ci sono i sensori. Questi dispositivi permettono di raccogliere dati dall’ambiente circostante e, dalla loro elaborazione, le applicazioni IoT…

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Toshiba espande la gamma di microcontrollori TXZ+ M4K per il controllo dei motori

Toshiba ha ampliato la sua linea di microcontrollori TXZ+ M4K, progettata per applicazioni di controllo motori, introducendo modelli con memoria flash fino a 1 MB….

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Gel vetroso: la rivoluzione nei materiali autoriparanti

Immagina un materiale che unisca la rigidità del vetro, la flessibilità della gomma e la capacità di autoripararsi. Questo è il gel vetroso, un’innovazione che…

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Intervista a Fabio Violante, CEO di Arduino

Arduino è una piattaforma open source che ha rivoluzionato il mondo dell’elettronica e della programmazione, rendendola accessibile a un pubblico molto più ampio. Fondata nel…

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President Washington – Unbox and ON-AIR


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T30TTT Tarawa. From

T30TTT Team will be active from Tarawa Island, IOTA OC – 017, Kiribati., T30TTT Tarawa. From, ,

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RSGB video summary of Ofcom licence changes

The RSGB has released a video summary of the Ofcom licence changes that came into effect in February this year. This is an extended version…

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You could be the next RSGB Company Secretary

The RSGB is looking to recruit an RSGB Member to be the Society’s Company Secretary. This volunteer position plays a key role in the Society’s…

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RSGB Company Secretary – role specification and Terms of Reference

Could you be the RSGB’s next Company Secretary? Article 53 of the Society’s Articles of Association requires the Board to appoint a Company Secretary. The…

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RSGB Planning Advisory Committee needs volunteers

The RSGB Planning Advisory Committee needs additional volunteers to join its advisory panel. Volunteers deal with queries from members about problems they face in getting…

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Il sensore rilevatore di persone di Useful Sensors

Il nome Pete Warden alla maggior parte dei lettori potrebbe non dire molto, ma questo ex ingegnere di Google è ampiamente considerato uno dei padri…

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ESRG key messages from April and May

The Exams and Syllabus Review Group (ESRG) met regularly during April and May. It has released these key messages from those meetings: We are delighted to have…

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IARUMS R1 Newsletter June 2024

The IARUMS Region 1 Newsletter June 2024 is now available.Click on the link to read it! …

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Conosciamo la piattaforma di sviluppo Google Firebase

Firebase è la piattaforma di sviluppo per applicazioni mobili di Google che facilita la creazione, il miglioramento e la crescita delle proprie app. Dispone di…

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AIoT – Artificial Intelligence of Things

Negli ultimi anni, l’evoluzione dell’Intelligenza Artificiale (AI) e la crescente ubiquità dell’Internet of Things (IoT) hanno catapultato il mondo della tecnologia in una nuova era…

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GM2T Tiree Island. From

GM2T Team will be active from Tiree Island, IOTA EU – 008, 27 – 28 July 2024., GM2T Tiree Island. From, ,

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S9Z Sao Tome. From

S9Z Team will be active from Sao Tome Island, IOTA AF – 023, Sao Tome and Principe, 11 – 20 November 2024., S9Z Sao Tome….

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Apacer presenta robuste cinghie di ritenzione per mantenere in posizione i moduli DRAM industriali – Protezione dei dispositivi Edge AI da forti urti e vibrazioni

Poiché gli ambienti industriali diventano sempre più esigenti, la necessità di proteggere i moduli DRAM da urti e vibrazioni diventa fondamentale, soprattutto nelle applicazioni Edge…

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Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2427

Build Your Own Multiband Antenna (EFHW), HF antenna for hams with limited space, Hacking the Butternut HF2V, Greencube Terminal program, IFR Chart Symbols, ALFA ALFA…

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Direct to Full syllabus v2.0

The new amateur radio licence has now been in effect for a few months. Changes to the licence conditions have necessitated revision to the examination…

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RSGB YOTA Czechia rep announced

The RSGB is pleased to announce that it will be represented at this summer’s Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) camp by Rhys Williams, M0WGY /…

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RSGB British Science Week Challenge

Are you looking for your next construction challenge? Then the RSGB British Science Week Time challenge could be for you. The task is to provide…

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GB2RS News Script for 7 July 2024

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s news script News script for 7 July 2024 (MS Word document)