Giorno: 26 Settembre 2024

Amateur radio: a family hobby
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Amateur radio: a family hobby

In August 2024, three generations of the Wilson family became licensed radio amateurs, after they all took their Foundation exams within two days of one…

Wick High School Radio Club collects time zones
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Wick High School Radio Club collects time zones

Wick High School Radio Club, which operates as GM0WHS, has started the new school term with great success. The group recently organised a “collecting time…

RSGB Callseeker 2025
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RSGB Callseeker 2025

With over 103,000 UK callsigns and far more are included from across Europe the Callseeker Plus 2025 is far more that an electronic version of…

RSGB Yearbook 2025
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RSGB Yearbook 2025

The RSGB Yearbook 2025 is our BIGGEST ever with 640 pages of the latest callsign information and much more This new edition of the RSGB…

La potenza della semplicità: scopriamo la tecnologia SLC Mode di Transcend
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La potenza della semplicità: scopriamo la tecnologia SLC Mode di Transcend

Una sempre maggiore produzione di big data ha portato alle crescenti esigenze di capacità di storage. Sempre più spesso le aziende che gestiscono grandi volumi…

President Washington Radio – Review, Modification, Hidden Menus
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President Washington Radio – Review, Modification, Hidden Menus

Video:YouTube/NLK Media