Anno: 2024

RSGB Board – August 2024 key messages
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RSGB Board – August 2024 key messages

Following its meeting in August, the RSGB Board has shared these key messages: Board noted that the Society was probably the most active publisher of…

7 October – Aircraft Scatter, the Hitch-Hikers Guide by Ian White, GM3SEK
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7 October – Aircraft Scatter, the Hitch-Hikers Guide by Ian White, GM3SEK

The presentation Aircraft scatter is about bouncing our VHF/UHF radio signals off high-flying aircraft; hitching a ride with someone else’s plane to extend our everyday…

PX0FF Fernando de Noronha. From
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PX0FF Fernando de Noronha. From

PX0FF Team will be active from Fernando de Noronha, IOTA SA – 003, until 21 October 2024., PX0FF Fernando de Noronha. From, ,

5X1XA 5X1DF Uganda. From
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5X1XA 5X1DF Uganda. From

G3XAQ and G3XTT will be active as 5X1XA and 5X1DF from Kampala, Uganda, 13 – 27 November 2024., 5X1XA 5X1DF Uganda. From, ,

RSGB appoints two new volunteer Youth Champions
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RSGB appoints two new volunteer Youth Champions

The RSGB is delighted to announce the appointment of two new volunteer Youth Champion roles. Chris Aitken, MM0WIC will be the RSGB’s School Youth Champion…

4 November – Listening to the Enemy by Mike Griffiths
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4 November – Listening to the Enemy by Mike Griffiths

The presentation Many know that during WWII radio amateurs were drafted into the military specifically for their radio skills. But what was their experience like…

Mexico and USA request clear frequencies for Hurricane Milton
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Mexico and USA request clear frequencies for Hurricane Milton

Carlos, CO2JC the IARU Region 2 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator has relayed two messages requesting clear frequencies for our colleagues responding to Hurricane Milton in the…

C91BV Mozambique. From
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C91BV Mozambique. From

C91BV Team will be active from Mozambique, 17 – 24 October 2024., C91BV Mozambique. From, ,

6Y7EI Jamaica. From
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6Y7EI Jamaica. From

6Y7EI Team will be active from Jamaica, IOTA NA – 097, 12 – 24 March 2025., 6Y7EI Jamaica. From, ,

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2439
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Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2439

How does an Antenna work? – Video, The Effectiveness of Ferrites – Video, How-To Easily Measure Unwanted RF, GNU Radio Beginners Tutorials, Diplomatic Stations Schedules…

Amateur radio responds to flooding in Bosnia
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Amateur radio responds to flooding in Bosnia

Alen Ruvic E71AR,Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator for Bosnia reports amateur radio is active in responding to severe flooding and landslides which have struck his country on…

Listening to the Space Station on an Anytone Ares II – Is it even possible?
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Listening to the Space Station on an Anytone Ares II – Is it even possible?

    The Anytone Ares II has a built in VHF receiver which is used in North America to the emergency weather channels, however it…

RSGB Convention: last chance to pre-book tickets
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RSGB Convention: last chance to pre-book tickets

The theme for the 2024 RSGB Convention is Your Convention, your way and the Society is providing a range of activities and presentations as well…

RadCom December feature on National Coding Week
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RadCom December feature on National Coding Week

Did you take part in National Coding Week this year? The RSGB had nine activities to inspire you to take part, including two new worksheets…

Tonight@8: Aircraft Scatter, the Hitch-Hikers Guide
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Tonight@8: Aircraft Scatter, the Hitch-Hikers Guide

The next RSGB Tonight @ 8 live webinar is on Monday 7 October 2024 when Ian White, GM3SEK presents Aircraft Scatter, the Hitch-Hikers Guide. Aircraft…

GB2RS News Script for 6 October 2024
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GB2RS News Script for 6 October 2024

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s news script News script for 6 October 2024 (MS Word document)

HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh joins 100 Girlguiding members in live ISS contact
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HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh joins 100 Girlguiding members in live ISS contact

The Radio Society of Great Britain and ARISS, in conjunction with Girlguiding Surrey West and Brooklands Museum including the Innovation Academy, have been collaborating on…

ESPHome: controllare in remoto dispositivi ESP con semplici file di configurazione
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ESPHome: controllare in remoto dispositivi ESP con semplici file di configurazione

ESPHome è un potente e versatile strumento che consente di configurare dispositivi per l’Internet of Things (IoT) basati su ESP8266 o ESP32 e perfettamente integrati…

Firmware 2.0 #47: Renewable Energy/Smart Projects
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Firmware 2.0 #47: Renewable Energy/Smart Projects

E’ online il nuovo numero della rivista di elettronica Firmware 2.0. All’interno del magazine potrete leggere articoli esclusivi sulle energie rinnovabili e le tecnologie associate,…

Il futuro della produzione di chip negli Emirati Arabi Uniti?
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Il futuro della produzione di chip negli Emirati Arabi Uniti?

Negli ultimi anni, l’industria dei semiconduttori è stata caratterizzata da un’espansione senza precedenti, spinta soprattutto dalla crescente domanda di dispositivi elettronici e dall’ascesa di tecnologie…

I sensori intelligenti rendono più efficiente il controllo remoto
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I sensori intelligenti rendono più efficiente il controllo remoto

Negli ultimi anni, il controllo remoto è diventato una delle tecnologie più influenti e trasversali, abbracciando diversi settori come la domotica, l’automazione industriale, l’agricoltura di…

Special Event – Celebrating Kris Kristofferson – The Rubber Duck – 06/10/2024
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Special Event – Celebrating Kris Kristofferson – The Rubber Duck – 06/10/2024

Following the sad news of the death of Kris Kristofferson, the Rubber Duck from the 1978 film Convoy, a special event has been organised to…

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2438
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Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2438

Affordable DIY AZ/EL Antenna Rotator: A Practical Guide, Ground Wave Propagation, Enhancements in UV-K5 HF Fullband Reception, Gnuradio Miniature Projects, Beam Controller Project, How to…

Icom IC-7760 Review: First Impressions by Difona Communication and WIMO
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Icom IC-7760 Review: First Impressions by Difona Communication and WIMO

Two product reviews from Difona Communications and WIMO about the ICOM IC-7760

Notizie dal MIMIT
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Notizie dal MIMIT

Riceviamo e pubblichiamo: Buongiorno,con riferimento a quanto in oggetto indicato, si ritiene opportuno comunicare a codesta Associazione che a decorrere dalla data odierna sono operative…