Author: iz4wnp

Le Applicazioni del Grafene in Elettronica
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Le Applicazioni del Grafene in Elettronica

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. In questa Rubrica del blog EOS abbiamo raccolto gli articoli tecnici…

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Video: Christian – Thanks goes out to Christian at who has kindly allowed us to post this video showing the engineering menu in the new…

Inside The K-PO DX-5000 Plus
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Inside The K-PO DX-5000 Plus

Video:YouTube/Scott’s Radios Another interesting video from Scott’s Radios showing what’s inside the new K-PO DX 5000 PLUS radio…. No adjustments on the board of course but…

Pirates Battle Over Shortwave Radio – UVB-76
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Pirates Battle Over Shortwave Radio – UVB-76

UVB-76 The frequency of a suspected Russian military shortwave radio broadcast, known as the “buzzer” for its recognizable repeating channel marker, has become the battleground…

Ranger RHF-618 Base Station [ 28 and 24 MHz]
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Ranger RHF-618 Base Station [ 28 and 24 MHz]

Ranger RHF-618 Base Station 4.3″ TFT LCD Panel Soft TOUCH Panel buttons around the displayIT IS A TOUCH SCREEN also RCI-2950CD reliable electrical specs Self…

SDR Cube Transceiver
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SDR Cube Transceiver

SDR Cube Transceiver Portable, standalone SDR transceiver for SSB, CW and AM using embedded digital signal processingwith a Softrock as the RF front end for…

Da HIRO la prossima generazione di Micro Data Center Edge scalabili
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Da HIRO la prossima generazione di Micro Data Center Edge scalabili

HIRO, società tecnologica orientata allo sviluppo di infrastrutture Edge come servizio per consentire la protezione e la tutela della privacy in applicazioni con Big Data…

ZF9CW Cayman Brac Island. From
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ZF9CW Cayman Brac Island. From

Stan, K5GO will be active as ZF9CW from Cayman Brac Island, IOTA NA – 016, in CQ WW 160m CW Contest, 28 – 30 January…

Nominativi marconiani 2022
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Nominativi marconiani 2022

Rilasciati per il 2022 i nominativi per le Stazioni Commemorative Marconiane. Grazie all’impegno dell’ARI e alla disponibilità del MISE, sono stati autorizzati i nominativi anche…

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BASE STATION VERTICAL ANTENNA Xiegu VG4 antenna is a 4-band GP type and is made of aluminum alloy with anti-oxidation surface. It is light, solid,…

ACOM Company Tour
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ACOM Company Tour

ACOM Company Tour. HF power amplifier production – ACOM 1010, ACOM 1000, ACOM 700S, ACOM 1200S, ACOM 1500, ACOM 2100 and ACOM 2000A. Antenna Amateur…

Weak Signals Heard from Spanish Satellites EASAT-2 and HADES
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Weak Signals Heard from Spanish Satellites EASAT-2 and HADES

AMSAT-EA (Spain) has said it appears that EASAT-2 and HADES are transmitting, and that weak signals have been heard, but the satellites’ antennas may not have…

A Big Flare, A Radiation Storm & Double Fast Wind Streams
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A Big Flare, A Radiation Storm & Double Fast Wind Streams

This past week our Sun has been sending us a cornucopia of space weather phenomena, including launching several solar storms in near-Earth vicinity, firing a…

Streaming di temperatura e umidità con l’ecosistema Big Data – Parte 1
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Streaming di temperatura e umidità con l’ecosistema Big Data – Parte 1

In questo articolo viene presentato un progetto dimostrativo del processo di implementazione di una semplice architettura per l’elaborazione in tempo reale e in batch delle…

Gemini DX1200 1.8-70MHz Solid State Linear Amplifier
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Gemini DX1200 1.8-70MHz Solid State Linear Amplifier

Solid State Linear Amplifier 1.8-70MHz Solid State Linear Amplifier 1200W output 1.8-30MHz (1000W 50MHz, 500W 70MHz) Drive level 50W (10W/25W optional) Fully automatic band selection…

Self-contained Antenna Tracker
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Self-contained Antenna Tracker

Antenna Tracker A self contained antenna rotator and radio controller. Natively controls Icom and Yaesu rotators and can interface with PSTRotator. No computer required! That’s…

Icom ID-52A – AmateurLogic.Tv
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Icom ID-52A – AmateurLogic.Tv

Icom ID-52A Larger radio, larger color display, and louder audio. The ID-52A is much more than a replacement to the ID-51A, it’s a new way…

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HEX BEAM ANTENNA VHQ Hex Beam Complete with 6 Bands 6,10,12,15,17,20, Ice Cords. 2″ mast Hub, comes with everything needed including Ferrite chokes. Hub adapters…

L’evoluzione dei CAD per la Produzione dei Circuiti Stampati
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L’evoluzione dei CAD per la Produzione dei Circuiti Stampati

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. In questa Rubrica del blog EOS abbiamo raccolto gli articoli tecnici…

Video: K-PO DX 5000 PLUS (Part 2)
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Video: K-PO DX 5000 PLUS (Part 2)

Video:YouTube/Ken Williams Here’s part 2 of Ken’s videos showing the new K-PO DX 5000 PLUS radio. This time Ken runs through the process of programming…

JIANPAI 8800 QUAD-Band Handheld Radio With Airband Receive
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JIANPAI 8800 QUAD-Band Handheld Radio With Airband Receive

QUAD-Band Handheld Radio Specifications: Brand JIANPAI Product Model 8800UV (plus) Intercom type Full-frequency 8-band intercom Power ≤ 20W Theoretical communication distance 5-10 (km) Frequency range…

Video: KPO DX 5000 PLUS (Part 1)
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Video: KPO DX 5000 PLUS (Part 1)

Video:YouTube/Ken Williams An unboxing video from Ken showing his new K-PO DX 5000 PLUS

NEW CRT SS6900 N V – Price Revealed
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NEW CRT SS6900 N V – Price Revealed

  CRT France have revealed the price of the new CRT SS6900 N V to be €189 This new version features the much anticipated Noise…

DXCC Most Wanted 2022. From
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DXCC Most Wanted 2022. From

DXCC Most wanted countries 2022 Club Log version. Updated 20 January 2022., DXCC Most Wanted 2022. From, ,

Da Hengstler encoder rotativi robusti per sistemi di trasporto senza conducente
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Da Hengstler encoder rotativi robusti per sistemi di trasporto senza conducente

Gli encoder rotativi di Hengstler permettono la realizzazione di sistemi FTS ad alta efficienza. Si tratta di encoder altamente robusti che rappresentano la soluzione ideale…