Author: iz4wnp

TO6S Terre de Haut Iles des Saintes Guadeloupe. From
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TO6S Terre de Haut Iles des Saintes Guadeloupe. From

TO6S Team will be active from Terre de Haut, Iles des Saintes, IOTA NA – 114, Guadeloupe, 20 January – 1 February 2022., TO6S Terre…

ANACOM acts to eradicate  interference and abuse of radio spectrum.
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ANACOM acts to eradicate interference and abuse of radio spectrum.

José Francisco de Almeida, CT4AN, IARUMS Coordinator from REP (Rede dos Emissores Portugueses; Portugal), informed that ANACOM (Portuguese Communications Authority) acts to eradicate interference and…

Che cos’è il Transfer Learning e come utilizzarlo
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Che cos’è il Transfer Learning e come utilizzarlo

I modelli di reti neurali profonde (Deep Neural Network) possono richiedere giorni o addirittura settimane per l’addestramento su un set di dati di grandi dimensioni….

TO5A Martinique Island. From
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TO5A Martinique Island. From

Al, F5VHJ will be active as TO5A from Martinique Island, IOTA NA – 107, in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 29 – 30 October 2022.,…

Extended ARRL Team Will Support February’s ARRL National Convention in Orlando
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Extended ARRL Team Will Support February’s ARRL National Convention in Orlando

HamCation A large ARRL team of member-volunteers, program representatives, and presenters will advance the convention theme inviting attendees to “reDiscover Radio” at Orlando HamCation, host of…

Vertical HF Antenna LZAV-5BAND
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Vertical HF Antenna LZAV-5BAND

Vertical HF Antenna made in BULGARIA Bands: 14-18-21-24-28 MHZ Frequency, MHz 14 / 18 / 21 / 24 / 28 Power watts 2,5 kW Radials…

DXLog 2.5.29 is now available
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DXLog 2.5.29 is now available

DXLog was ignoring some cluster spots from DXSpider nodes. DXLog was also ignoring some PSK spots. These have been fixed. Problems with the spot quality…

Amateur Operation in 3.45 – 3.5 GHz Segment Must Cease by April 14, 2022
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Amateur Operation in 3.45 – 3.5 GHz Segment Must Cease by April 14, 2022

The FCC has established April 14, 2022, as the date by which amateur radio transmissions must stop in the upper 3.45 – 3.5 GHz segment…

Quali sono le previsioni tecnologiche per il 2022? L’analisi di Vicor Corporation
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Quali sono le previsioni tecnologiche per il 2022? L’analisi di Vicor Corporation

Vicor Corporation, leader nei componenti di potenza modulari e nei sistemi di alimentazione, ha pubblicato le sue previsioni per il 2022. Le previsioni riguardano fondamentalmente…

8Q7AH Dharavandhoo Island Maldive Islands. From
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8Q7AH Dharavandhoo Island Maldive Islands. From

Henry, LU4DXU will be active as 8Q7AH from Dharavandhoo Island, Maldive Islands, IOTA AS – 013, 8 – 15 February 2022., 8Q7AH Dharavandhoo Island Maldive…

Una Calcolatrice Casio con memoria esterna
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Una Calcolatrice Casio con memoria esterna

Cosa può fare la scheda a microcontrollore Arduino per rendere una calcolatrice Casio più performante? Tutti noi abbiamo utilizzato per i nostri calcoli a scuola…

PZ5KV Suriname. From
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PZ5KV Suriname. From

Axel, DL6KVA will be active as PZ5KV from Suriname, 1 – 10 February 2022., PZ5KV Suriname. From, ,

V73NS Kwajalein Atoll. From
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V73NS Kwajalein Atoll. From

WD8CRT is currently active Kwajalein Atoll, IOTA OC-028, Marshall Islands as V73NS., V73NS Kwajalein Atoll. From, ,

The Xiegu X6100 or the Icom IC-705? Making a purchase decision!
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The Xiegu X6100 or the Icom IC-705? Making a purchase decision!

Xiegu X6100 or the Icom IC-705? Antenna Attic Mounted HF Loop Antenna In HOA, Does It Work? September 08, 2018 No comments “I went to…

Virtual Reality For Ham Radio With Oculus Quest 2
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Virtual Reality For Ham Radio With Oculus Quest 2

Virtual reality headsets like the Oculus Quest 2 has the capability of remoting into your ham shack computer for remote control of any application on…

BTech 25×2 Dual Band Mini Mobile – Review
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BTech 25×2 Dual Band Mini Mobile – Review

BTECH UV-25X2 X-Series Mobile – 25 Watt Dual Band Radio The X-Series Mobiles introduce our new fully customizable Multi-Color LCD display screen. You can adjust…

TinyML: l’apprendimento automatico su microcontrollore
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TinyML: l’apprendimento automatico su microcontrollore

Negli ultimi dieci anni abbiamo assistito ad una crescita esponenziale delle dimensioni degli algoritmi di apprendimento automatico a causa dei miglioramenti nella velocità dei processori…

MOSFET – The Most significant invention of the 20th Century
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MOSFET – The Most significant invention of the 20th Century

What makes a truly world-changing invention?. Of all the inventions of the 20th century just one could be said to have changed the world in…

Cheap Tilt-Over Vertical Antenna
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Cheap Tilt-Over Vertical Antenna

“I finished the project! Fantastic way of tilting over my vertical antennas. I will review this again in a few weeks to see what I…

Low-Power: Design Guide
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Low-Power: Design Guide

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. In questa Rubrica del blog EOS abbiamo raccolto gli articoli tecnici…

23cm Band and RNSS  – Compromises need to be found
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23cm Band and RNSS – Compromises need to be found

As we head into 2022 the ITU‑R and CEPT work considering the 23cm band and coexistence with the RNSS systems (GALILEO, COMPASS, GLONASS, GPS…) will…

La Rivoluzione Biomedicale “Bottom-Up”
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La Rivoluzione Biomedicale “Bottom-Up”

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. In questa Rubrica del blog EOS abbiamo raccolto gli articoli tecnici…

K-PO DX 5000 PLUS at Knights £179
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K-PO DX 5000 PLUS at Knights £179

  More availability news for the new K-PO DX 5000 PLUS – Knights Electrocom in the UK have them in stock, priced at £179. Link:…

XV1X Vietnam. From
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XV1X Vietnam. From

I run 500W into a 40ft bottom loaded vertical with 2 elevated radials 8ft above ground. Re. ON4KST chat. Time 18-23.30z TX 1st 250Hz 17-18-19…

Video ZL3SV Monster Antenna. From
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Video ZL3SV Monster Antenna. From

Video ZL3SV Nelson, New Zealand monster antenna., Video ZL3SV Monster Antenna. From, ,