Preparatory activities for WRC23 have continued in a number of committees, working groups and workshops in the ITU‑R, CEPT and the European Commission here in…
Light Deck è un controller luci basato su protocollo di comunicazione MIDI il cui cuore è un Arduino Micro. In questo articolo scopriremo assieme tutti…
Waterproof high power GMRS mobile radio RB86, the perfect communication solution for Jeeps,UTVs, off-road and other vehicles. With the nice housing, stability and reliable functions,…
Si può usare una scatola da scarpe come robot, dargli vita con un Arduino Nano e prenderne il controllo con un’applicazione fatta tramite App Inventor?…
The EI7GL blog reports that publication of the World Radio TV Handbook (WRTH) will cease with the current 76th edition. For many years, the WRTH provided information about shortwave broadcast times…
The volume of reports of over-the-horizon (OTH) radar interference from observers working with the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 Monitoring System (IARUMS) dwarfs…
The EMCOMM III Portable antenna is a portable High Frequency (HF) antenna specially designed for short to long range portable and man-pack HF communications. The…
Le tecnologie delle Blockchain sono tra le vittime preferite degli hacker per due principali motivi: prima di tutto contengono valore in forma di criptovalute o…
The Falkland Islands Communications Regulator has directed Polish radio amateur Sebastian Gleich, SQ1SGB, to cease his ham radio operation from Antarctica’s Halley VI Research Station…
COMET UHV-10 “We are pleased to announce the release of the HF multi-band mini GP antenna “UHV-10” (price including tax: 25,000 yen) from mid-December. Since the…
Jacek, FO/SP5EAQ will be active from Rimatara Island, IOTA OC – 050, Austral Islands, 2 – 30 March 2022., FO/SP5EAQ TX5AQ Rimatara Island. From,…
ICOM D-STAR Third Generation Repeaters support analog, D-STAR and a mixed mode configuration. While analog operation is for local communications, combine the D-STAR mode with…
Japan’s OMOTENASHI, the world’s smallest moon lander, will have an X-band and UHF communication system, although it will not carry an amateur band transponder. OMOTENASHI is…
The Marconi Radio Club of Newfoundland (MRCN) and the Poldhu Amateur Radio Club in England will conduct a modern-day re-enactment of Marconi’s first transatlantic radio…
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