Author: iz4wnp

Should I change my callsign?
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Should I change my callsign?

A viewer suggests that I shorten my callsign from KB9VBR to K9VBR. Joe and I talk about this and how call signs become your identity….

3-Band antenna 15m 10m 6m
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3-Band antenna 15m 10m 6m

Three Band Yagi Antenna for 21 MHz, 28 MHz and 50 MHz PA212850-21-12HD – 15 meter, 10 meter and 6 meter band. Antenna covers full 15…

Addio DDR, Benvenuta Memoria Seriale!
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Addio DDR, Benvenuta Memoria Seriale!

Nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. La DDR4 è l’ultima delle più diffuse linee di memorie DDR, usate praticamente da…

L’Editoriale di Novembre 2021
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L’Editoriale di Novembre 2021

Considerazioni di fine annodi Vincenzo Favata, IT9IZY Un gruppo di giovani che si riunisce per liberare la propria creatività e la propria solidarietà, un edificio…

ARI-Pordenone racconta il DMR
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ARI-Pordenone racconta il DMR

Sono davvero tanti i Radioamatori italiani che da molto tempo utilizzano le radio digitali per comunicare; tra questi apparati radio troviamo quelli che utilizzano il…

[Progetto DIY] Zucca di Halloween con Arduino
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[Progetto DIY] Zucca di Halloween con Arduino

In occasione della festa di Halloween, anche le Community dei Makers di tutto il mondo e degli appassionati di elettronica Fai-Da-Te si adoperano per realizzare…

TL7M Central African Republic. From
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TL7M Central African Republic. From

Kenneth, LA7GIA will be active as TL7M from Central African Republic, starting 30 October 2021., TL7M Central African Republic. From, ,

Droni: cosa succederà con l’arrivo del BVLOS?
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Droni: cosa succederà con l’arrivo del BVLOS?

Se ne parla già da tempo, ma non sembrava che questo evento fosse poi così imminente: l’arrivo del BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line Of Sight) è…

Study on the evaluation of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU (EMCD)
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Study on the evaluation of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU (EMCD)

The Final Report on the Study on the evaluation of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU (EMCD) has now been published. The report in English running…

Ecodesign – European Commission to examine need for new rules on environmental impact of photovoltaics
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Ecodesign – European Commission to examine need for new rules on environmental impact of photovoltaics

IARU R1 PRC responded recently to a European Commission Roadmap on the environmental impact of photovoltaics. The radio spectrum is an important finite natural resource…

23cm band and Sat-Nav Coexistence: Preliminary Studies continuing in ITU‑R Study Groups and WP4C
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23cm band and Sat-Nav Coexistence: Preliminary Studies continuing in ITU‑R Study Groups and WP4C

During the period 20–26 October 2021, the IARU continued to engage in the preparatory work for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1b in ITU‑R Working Party 4C…

UDOO KEY, l’innovativa piattaforma AI basata su RP2040 e ESP32
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UDOO KEY, l’innovativa piattaforma AI basata su RP2040 e ESP32

UDOO KEY è la piattaforma AI più flessibile al mondo, progettata per dare potere alle applicazioni ed espandere le possibilità di un utilizzo esteso degli…

Inaugurazione nuova Sede ARI-Valle d’Aosta
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Inaugurazione nuova Sede ARI-Valle d’Aosta

Il 30 ottobre 2021, sarà inaugurata la nuova Sede dell’ARI Valle d’Aosta in località Teppe, N. 24 (lungo la SS26). L’attività dei radiocollegamenti dimostrativi con…

Remote TX – HRO at Pacificon 2021
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Remote TX – HRO at Pacificon 2021

In this video from Pacificon 2021, Marcus Gilson, AK7MG talks about his product, Remote TX, a way of remotely operating your radio from anywhere in…

RF Interference VS Computer Speakers
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RF Interference VS Computer Speakers

Tim, KE8RHS, is having some difficulties with his shack set up. His radio and antenna seem to receive and transmit fine but when he makes…

WSJT-X Version 2.5.1 has been Released
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WSJT-X Version 2.5.1 has been Released

The WSJT-X development team has announced the general availability release of WSJT-X version 2.5.1. This release mainly contains improvements and repairs defects related to Q65 and JT65 when used…

3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island Confirms November 2022 Activation
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3Y0J DXpedition to Bouvet Island Confirms November 2022 Activation

The 3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition team says that with its first deposit on its contract to have the SS Marama provide transportation to Bouvet, it has confirmed its plans…

US and Region 2 Amateur Radio Direction-Finding Championships Results are In
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US and Region 2 Amateur Radio Direction-Finding Championships Results are In

The results are in for the 20th US ARDF Championships and 11th IARU Region 2 Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF). Four days of competitions were…

Circuiti Stampati Flessibili: l’evoluzione tecnologica dei PCB per i dispositivi elettronici
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Circuiti Stampati Flessibili: l’evoluzione tecnologica dei PCB per i dispositivi elettronici

In questo articolo analizzeremo i Circuiti Stampati Flessibili. Questa tipologia di circuiti rappresenta non solo un importante oggetto di ricerca e innovazione nel mondo dell’elettronica,…

The Software Defined Radio Toolbox
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The Software Defined Radio Toolbox

DRAGON OS FOCAL – The Software Defined Radio Toolbox Antenna Low Cost Magnetic Loop Antenna For 10-12 Meters May 09, 2016 No comments “I decided…

Ideas for the Shack!
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Ideas for the Shack!

Ideas for the shack with Tim, K3LR and Jeff, KB8ZWT! Antenna 472kHz Antenna Calculator June 01, 2016 No comments This tool calculates the antenna capacitance…

What’s inside your MFJ and LDG Tuners?
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What’s inside your MFJ and LDG Tuners?

Just a quick video of the inside of a couple tuners, Manual and Automatic. Antenna Can a Balun be Too Big? April 25, 2021 No…

IARU Region 1 Announces G2BVN Memorial Trophy Winners
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IARU Region 1 Announces G2BVN Memorial Trophy Winners

At the final plenary meeting of the IARU Region 1 Conference and Workshop, which closed 24th October 2021, Ole Garpestad, LA2RR and Hans Blondeel Timmerman,…

Energia Solare per un robot tagliaerba-Ecologico, economico, semplice!
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Energia Solare per un robot tagliaerba-Ecologico, economico, semplice!

Un robot tagliaerba è un oggetto bello, comodo e pratico. In termini ecologici, però, vi è ancora spazio per l’ottimizzazione, dato che per funzionare necessita…

One-Four Wednesday Special Event 27/10/2021
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One-Four Wednesday Special Event 27/10/2021

  As part of the 40th anniversary celebrations the One-Four Wednesday net gang are having a special event this Wednesday 27th October, across the UK….