Author: iz4wnp

XPA125 Tuner – Any good?
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XPA125 Tuner – Any good?

Today I take the XPA125 Tuner and put it through its paces with a 9:1 EFRW Random Wire Antenna Antenna Chameleon Tactical Delta Loop –…

Solar cycle 25 is here and band activity is up!
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Solar cycle 25 is here and band activity is up!

Showing a bit of what’s happening on the upper frequency bands with the solar cycle finally ramping up. Antenna HF Omniangles HF-28 ( 10 Meters…

Nuove soluzioni di sensori-software con NI e Omega
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Nuove soluzioni di sensori-software con NI e Omega

Farnell, unità commerciale del gruppo Avnet e distributore globale di componenti elettronici, prodotti e soluzioni, ha introdotto sul mercato nuove soluzioni basate sulla configurazione con…

Roamer, il piccolo robot che si ricarica da solo
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Roamer, il piccolo robot che si ricarica da solo

Il piccolo robot Roamer è un’intelligente dimostrazione di come, anche solo con l’utilizzo di materiali e componenti semplici e facilmente reperibili a basso costo, si…

Using FT8 to demonstrate Antenna Orientations
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Using FT8 to demonstrate Antenna Orientations

One man’s observation of different radiation patterns that evolved from choosing different antenna installation orientations. What are your thoughts? Antenna PA0NHC – active, capacitive receiving…

Set up an entire HF station for under 00?
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Set up an entire HF station for under $1000?

“A viewer asks: I want a home base station trans/receiver so I can listen till I am licensed. Need an antenna too. But all for…

Regolatori Buck ZVS
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Regolatori Buck ZVS

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. Vicor Corporation arricchisce la gamma di regolatori Buck ZVS Picor Cool-Power…

Xiegu X6100 HF/50MHz Portable SDR Transceiver
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Xiegu X6100 HF/50MHz Portable SDR Transceiver

Xiegu X6100 is a revolutionary self-contained 10 watt HF and 6m SDR transceiver with a large color display, automatic antenna tuner and a built-in high capacity battery. Xiegu X6100 is an ultra-portable SDR transceiver (Software…

Rettificatori SiGe di Nexperia
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Rettificatori SiGe di Nexperia

Il settore dell’elettronica di potenza è in continua evoluzione. I rettificatori silicio-germanio (SiGe) di Nexperia offrono ai progettisti elevati livelli di efficienza, stabilità termica e…

QDX 4-band 5W Digi transceiver
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QDX 4-band 5W Digi transceiver

The “QDX” (QRP Labs Digital Xcvr): a feature-packed, high performance, four-band (80, 40, 30, 20m) 5W Digi-modes transceiver kit, including embedded SDR receiver, 24-bit 48 ksps USB sound card,…

What Ham Radio Programming Software Should You use?
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What Ham Radio Programming Software Should You use?

“I’m taking a 10,000 FT look at three types of ham radio programing software. There’s so much to unpack here that a quick overview is…

PRAM, il tuo Primo Robot Autonomo Mobile – Parte 3
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PRAM, il tuo Primo Robot Autonomo Mobile – Parte 3

Nel precedente articolo “PRAM, il tuo Primo Robot Autonomo Mobile – Parte 2” abbiamo descritto il progetto e i principali componenti di PRAM. In questa…

Provisional results IARU R1 50 & 70 MHz CW/SSB Contests
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Provisional results IARU R1 50 & 70 MHz CW/SSB Contests

The provisional results for the last IARU R1 50 MHz CW/SSB and 70 MHz CW/SSB Contests are available on IARU Region 1 VHF & Up Contest Robot…

Starlink di SpaceX, il più avanzato sistema di connessione a banda larga per le zone rurali
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Starlink di SpaceX, il più avanzato sistema di connessione a banda larga per le zone rurali

SpaceX nasce con l’obiettivo di ridurre i costi dell’accesso allo spazio e vanta una grande esperienza nei veicoli spaziali e nelle operazioni in orbita. Ad…

ARRL Continues Its Efforts to Preserve Amateur Radio Secondary Use of the 3 GHz Band
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ARRL Continues Its Efforts to Preserve Amateur Radio Secondary Use of the 3 GHz Band

ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, in a written statement on the newly filed H.R.5378 before the US House Commerce Communications and Technology Subcommittee on Wednesday, urged Congress…

Why Ham Radio [ ARRL Video ]
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Why Ham Radio [ ARRL Video ]

Josh Nass, KI6NAZ, of @Ham Radio Crash Course talks about what ham radio is, and answers the question…. “Why Ham Radio?” Antenna 100 ft Tilting…

Batterie di nuova generazione: cosa bolle in pentola?
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Batterie di nuova generazione: cosa bolle in pentola?

Le batterie di nuova generazione sono la chiave per abbandonare la dipendenza dai combustibili fossili e sono destinate a svolgere un ruolo di primo piano…

High Speed Telegraphy World Championship Montenegro 2021. From
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High Speed Telegraphy World Championship Montenegro 2021. From

September 10-14, 2021, the 17th World Championship High Speed Telegraphy was held in Montenegro., High Speed Telegraphy World Championship Montenegro 2021. From, ,

High Speed Telegraphy 2021 in Montenegro
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High Speed Telegraphy 2021 in Montenegro

September 10-14, 2021, the 17th World Championship High Speed Telegraphy was held in Montenegro. The event was organized by MARP (Montenegrin Amateur Radio Pool) in…

Improving Suburban HF Vertical Antennas
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Improving Suburban HF Vertical Antennas

HF verticals are very popular for the smaller suburban gardens. How do they perform and are there any improvements you should consider? Antenna Review of…

Droni AUV: cosa sono e quali saranno gli sviluppi nei prossimi anni?
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Droni AUV: cosa sono e quali saranno gli sviluppi nei prossimi anni?

Quando si parla di droni ci si riferisce, per antonomasia, a quei dispositivi utilizzati per uso aereo. Declinati agli usi più disparati in volo, rappresentano…

3DA0RR Eswatini. From
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3DA0RR Eswatini. From

Roman, 3W3RR will be active 3DA0RR from Eswatini, 14 – 16 October 2021., 3DA0RR Eswatini. From, ,

3DA0WW Eswatini. From
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3DA0WW Eswatini. From

3DA0WW Team will be active from Kingdom of Eswatini, 12 – 26 October 2021., 3DA0WW Eswatini. From, ,

Resonant vs Non-Resonant Antennas
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Resonant vs Non-Resonant Antennas

Richard, AE6XO, is wondering what the difference is between resonant and non resonant antennas. Why no just get a non resonant and use a tuner?…

TIDRADIO BL-1 Bluetooth Baofeng Programmer – Flawed Execution, Poor Software
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TIDRADIO BL-1 Bluetooth Baofeng Programmer – Flawed Execution, Poor Software

“The TIDRADIO bluetooth programmer application is one of the worst aplications I have had to deal with in ham radio. Its odd and makes no…