Author: iz4wnp

IARU Region 1 prepares for Workshop
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IARU Region 1 prepares for Workshop

 Delegates attending the forthcoming IARU Region 1 Workshop on the future direction for amateur radio and the associated short Conference sessions will already have received…

Electrical Energy Storage: stato dell’arte delle nuove tecnologie
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Electrical Energy Storage: stato dell’arte delle nuove tecnologie

Tra mobilità elettrica e dispositivi ovunque connessi c’è un fattor comune: la necessità di sistemi di accumulo dell’energia elettrica adeguati ad ogni specifica esigenza. Seppur…

Data on Number of Radio Amateurs Worldwide Needs Updating
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Data on Number of Radio Amateurs Worldwide Needs Updating

The oft-cited figure of 3 million radio amateurs worldwide may need updating. That number was what the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) published in 2000 for the…

BLDC, controllo motori con LPC1700
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BLDC, controllo motori con LPC1700

Nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. I motori DC Brushless (BLDC) stanno crescendo sempre di più in termini di popolarità….

Reduce Common Mode Current (CMC) with a Easy to Build Choke
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Reduce Common Mode Current (CMC) with a Easy to Build Choke

Common Mode Current can really mess with RFI and cause interference in the shack. In addition, you could also be receiving unwanted interference on the…

[Progetto DIY] Costruire un barometro con Arduino
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[Progetto DIY] Costruire un barometro con Arduino

Questo progetto consiste nella realizzazione di un barometro fai-da-te utilizzando la nota scheda Arduino, il dispositivo di prototipazione più conosciuto e apprezzato tra i makers…

Firmware 2.0 #17 – LED/Optoelectronics-Smart Lighting
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Firmware 2.0 #17 – LED/Optoelectronics-Smart Lighting

Cari lettori, oggi esce un nuovo numero di Firmware 2.0 ricco di contenuti esclusivi per MAKERS e PROFESSIONISTI e tanti articoli tecnici sull’elettronica e le…

Icom IC-705 on 11m CB Radio
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Icom IC-705 on 11m CB Radio

Video: YouTube/andy kirby An interesting video from Andy who shows us how his Icom IC-705 and magnetic loop works on 11m….

3B8/G0VJG Mauritius. From
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3B8/G0VJG Mauritius. From

Nobby, 3B8/G0VJG will be active from Mauritius, IOTA AF – 049, 2 – 16 October 2021., 3B8/G0VJG Mauritius. From, ,

8Q7KX North Male Atoll Maldives. From
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8Q7KX North Male Atoll Maldives. From

Tommy, DL8KX will be active as 8Q7KX from North Male Atoll, Maldives, IOTA AS – 013, 30 September – 11 October 2021., 8Q7KX North Male…

SHARI Pi HAT – ALLSTAR SA818 Radio Module For Raspberry Pi
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SHARI Pi HAT – ALLSTAR SA818 Radio Module For Raspberry Pi

Here we take a look at the SHARI PiHatU from Ham Projects. This Pi Hat contains an SA818 Radio module to allow RF to the…

An X-Flare Player Grows & A Solar Storm Heads for Earth
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An X-Flare Player Grows & A Solar Storm Heads for Earth

This Space Weather News forecast sponsored in part by Millersville University Antenna Coil-loaded 40/80 Meter Inverted V Dipole Antenna by KG0ZZ September 11, 2015 No…

Best Handheld Ham Radio 2021
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Best Handheld Ham Radio 2021

Today I go through my top 15 Handheld Ham Radios for 2021 – as an update to my Best Handheld of 2020 video, this is…

Deaf Pupils Set to Speak with ISS Crew Member in a World-First Event
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Deaf Pupils Set to Speak with ISS Crew Member in a World-First Event

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) will offer a group of pupils at the Mary Hare School for deaf children in England an opportunity to…

Supercondensatori ibridi: l’alternativa alle batterie agli ioni di litio
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Supercondensatori ibridi: l’alternativa alle batterie agli ioni di litio

Le batterie al litio sono oggi la soluzione di accumulo di energia più utilizzata in ambito automotive. I supercondensatori, sebbene più affidabili, efficienti e duraturi…

NEW RADIO – Yaesu FTM-6000E
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NEW RADIO – Yaesu FTM-6000E

  Yaesu have announced a new mobile analogue dual band radio, the FTM-6000E Price: Around £239 Information From Yaesu: Features: 50W Stable High-Power with Heavy Duty…

L’Editoriale di Ottobre 2021
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L’Editoriale di Ottobre 2021

Quel che ci fa decollare verso nuovi orizzontidi Vincenzo Favata, IT9IZY Non si ottiene la perfezione, se non si è disposti a sbagliare ed ogni…

II3PALP – Diploma “Ponte degli Alpini”
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II3PALP – Diploma “Ponte degli Alpini”

Il Direttivo del Comitato Regionale del Veneto è lieto di segnalare un evento organizzato dai soci Gruppo Radioamatori Alpini dell’Alto Vicentino. Per conseguire il Diploma…

Amateur Radio Volunteers Assist in Major US Cycling Event
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Amateur Radio Volunteers Assist in Major US Cycling Event

On September 11, some 115 amateur radio volunteers from five states provided communication support for LoToJa, the longest single-day USA Cycling (USAC)-sanctioned bicycle event in the…

Yaesu REVEALS the FTM-6000R Dual Band Mobile Ham Radio
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Yaesu REVEALS the FTM-6000R Dual Band Mobile Ham Radio

Brand new from YAesu, dropping in October of 2021, is a new dual band Ham Radio, the FTM-6000r. This was announced today, so I wanted…

YAESU announces new Dual Band (2m/70cm) FM Mobile Transceiver! FTM-6000E
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YAESU announces new Dual Band (2m/70cm) FM Mobile Transceiver! FTM-6000E

FTM-6000E – 50W transmitting power – Reception range from 108 to 999.995 MHz – New “E2O-III” user interface – Removable control panel AND Yaesu new…

Tech-out of the Xiegu XPA125B Auto Tuner + Amplifier
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Tech-out of the Xiegu XPA125B Auto Tuner + Amplifier

Today we take a look at the Xiegu XPA125B QRP Amplifier and Auto Tuner hooked up to the Icom IC-705. This amp will work with…

Japanese radio amateurs ask for reports of Z-Sat
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Japanese radio amateurs ask for reports of Z-Sat

Yasutaka Narusawa JR2XEA of the Komaki Amateur SATCOM Club reports the satellite Z-Sat is planned to launch on an Epsilon rocket at 0048-0059 GMT on October…

Sistemi di comunicazione in fibra
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Sistemi di comunicazione in fibra

Il campo delle comunicazioni con fibre ottiche è esploso negli ultimi due decenni. Nei moderni sistemi di comunicazione, vengono utilizzate fibre sottili come capelli costituite…

“Global Engineer Survey 2021” di Tektronix: ecco i risultati per il settore T&M
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“Global Engineer Survey 2021” di Tektronix: ecco i risultati per il settore T&M

Dal sondaggio globale “Global Engineer Survey 2021” condotto da Tektronix, che ha coinvolto circa 1.300 tra ingegneri, professionisti e progettisti del settore Test&Measurements, sono emersi…