Author: iz4wnp

Why Sunspot Cycle 25 Might Be a Big One –The Latest Research for Ham Radio Operators
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Why Sunspot Cycle 25 Might Be a Big One –The Latest Research for Ham Radio Operators

Special guest Dr. Scott McIntosh explains why sunspot cycle 25 will be big Antenna Comparing Elevated 1/4w Vertical vs. Link Dipole with WSPR December 19,…

Chameleon Tactical Delta Loop – Antenna Review
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Chameleon Tactical Delta Loop – Antenna Review

The Chameleon Tactical Delta Loop covers 80 meters through 6 meters. and will handle 100 watts on SSB and 50 watts CW/Digital. Its a great…

Yaesu FT5DR Ham Radio Handheld Unboxing
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Yaesu FT5DR Ham Radio Handheld Unboxing

Brand new from Yaesu is the FT5D Dual Band Fusion Handheld Ham Radio. Let’s take a look at this brand new HT and compare it…

End Fed Dipoles : So I need a Counterpoise?
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End Fed Dipoles : So I need a Counterpoise?

Kenneth, WB3JFR, encouraged this question. Do you need to use a counterpoise just because its “End Fed”? Antenna MonoBeam HF Multibander MB16 10-15-20 December 26,…

DMX-40 Transceiver
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DMX-40 Transceiver

The Premier Morse Translator/Transceiver Tired of trying to learn Morse code? Searching for a state-of-the-art decoder/encoder companion for your station that keeps right on working…

Smart Lighting nell’illuminazione stradale
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Smart Lighting nell’illuminazione stradale

L’attenzione al consumo di energia elettrica risulta essere un aspetto sempre più cruciale per quanto riguarda la sostenibilità di qualsiasi progetto. Tale aspetto coinvolge pienamente…

La libreria grafica Microchip
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La libreria grafica Microchip

La visualizzazione grafica è ampiamente usata in numerose applicazioni e il numero di prodotti dotati di display cresce ogni giorno. La ragione principale è che…

How to Renew Your License
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How to Renew Your License

Natalie, KK4FLA, has one question that is very simple but still important. “How does one renew his license?” Antenna Cheap, Quick, Easy to Build, Works…

Creare progetti in modo rapido senza scrivere righe di codice
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Creare progetti in modo rapido senza scrivere righe di codice

Grazie ai templates del kit Oplà IoT è possibile caricare uno sketch e realizzare un progetto IoT attivo e funzionante in tempi rapidissimi, bastano solo…

Light Pollution: quali soluzioni?
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Light Pollution: quali soluzioni?

La luce è fondamentale per la nostra civiltà. Ma ogni giorno ha bisogno di una notte. L’eccessiva luminosità delle nostre città danneggia il nostro ambiente,…

D60AC D60AD Comoro Islands. From
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D60AC D60AD Comoro Islands. From

Janusz, SP9FIH and Leszek, SP6CIK will be active as D60AC and D60AD from Comoro Islands, IOTA AF – 007, 18 September – 2 October 2021.,…

Antenna Review | MFJ Ham Stick
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Antenna Review | MFJ Ham Stick

MFJ Ham Stick Antenna DxGlider52: Ultimate DX-Contest Tribander 18 elements ~ 52ft boom November 24, 2014 No comments   18 elements ~ 52ft boom ~…

Alinco DR-MD500T Dual Band DMR Mobile Radio
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Alinco DR-MD500T Dual Band DMR Mobile Radio

New from Alinco is the DR-MD500T, then dual band DMR mobile version of their popular dual band DMR HT. DR-MD500T Dual Band Mobile DMR VHF/UHF…

Download IC-705 Exterior Case 3D Data and Create Your Own Accessories
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Download IC-705 Exterior Case 3D Data and Create Your Own Accessories

Icom is allowing the download of 3D data of the exterior case of the IC-705 HF/VHF/UHF Mobile Transceiver allowing customers to create their own related…

L’optoelettronica: tecnologia abilitante
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L’optoelettronica: tecnologia abilitante

L’optoelettronica, tecnologia abilitante, rivoluziona i sistemi, i paradigmi e le infrastrutture che stanno alla base della tecnologia odierna e, di conseguenza, di gran parte della…

Scandinavian Activity Contest
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Scandinavian Activity Contest

Rules Scandinavian Activity Contest Rules 2021 Rules for all participants Latest update 2021-08-11 No changes made since 2020. 1. Aim of the contest The aims…

How to Setup and Tune the BuddiStick Pro Antenna from Buddipole
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How to Setup and Tune the BuddiStick Pro Antenna from Buddipole

BuddiStick Pro ham radio antenna from Buddipole Product Details DESCRIPTION The Buddistick PRO Deluxe Package contains the following:1). Buddistick PRO Antenna2). 5 Section Shockcord Legs…

Using MFJ-916B Duplexe
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Using MFJ-916B Duplexe

David, N9BSA, is trying to merge two antennas using a Diamond Phasing Harness ss770r, but Dave has a better suggestion…. The MFJ-916B duplexer is a…

Solar Power for Ham Radio, a presentation – Ham Radio Q&A
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Solar Power for Ham Radio, a presentation – Ham Radio Q&A

This is an educational presentation I gave on setting up a solar system for use with amateur radio. It goes into the components necessary and…

Display portatile e autonomo per il monitoraggio della qualità dell’aria per particelle da 2.5 µm
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Display portatile e autonomo per il monitoraggio della qualità dell’aria per particelle da 2.5 µm

Fai attenzione alla tua salute. In questo periodo, data la pandemia dovuta al COVID-19, quasi ci si dimentica che esistono altre ragioni che ci inducono…

Next SpaceX Commercial Crew to ISS Comprised of Radio Amateurs
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Next SpaceX Commercial Crew to ISS Comprised of Radio Amateurs

Four radio amateurs will head to the International Space Station (ISS) aboard a commercial flight, thanks to Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS)….

La tecnologia LED nelle misure biometriche
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La tecnologia LED nelle misure biometriche

Nell’ultimo decennio il mercato dei dispositivi indossabili (wearable), applicato principalmente al settore fitness e wellness e secondariamente ai settori della salute ed elettromedicale, ha spinto…

Hamvention 2022 – Michael Kalter, W8CI
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Hamvention 2022 – Michael Kalter, W8CI

Hamvention Special – Michael Kalter, W8CI is here to give an update on Hamvention 2022! Hamvention will be held May 20, 21 and 22, 2022…

Backyard Circular Polarization
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Backyard Circular Polarization

Dave, K4DRA, wants to try a double dipole set up in order to get an omnidirectional dipole, but he has yet to understand the circular…

RTL-SDR RF Filters
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RTL-SDR RF Filters

In this video, we take a look at how RF filters work and how you can improve signals when using an SDR, in this video…