Author: iz4wnp

Quick Tip – Coiling Coax
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Quick Tip – Coiling Coax

In this video, from a few years ago, Julian Frost (N3JF), your Ham Radio Sensei, gives a quick tip on how to coil coax so…

Best Digital Scanners on the Market 2021
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Best Digital Scanners on the Market 2021

For this week’s Something for the Weekend, Johnathan M0JSX and John 2E0EZK take you through our selection of the best digital scanners available at ML&S…

Amateur Radio Operator Banned! Insulin Pump “Interference” – Was it from Ham Radio?
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Amateur Radio Operator Banned! Insulin Pump “Interference” – Was it from Ham Radio?

An interesting article in the media claims a woman’s insulin pump is being “potentially” interfered with by an amateur radio operator down the street. Was…

Proteggere gli investimenti in R&D con l’autenticazione sicura
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Proteggere gli investimenti in R&D con l’autenticazione sicura

Le soluzioni di autenticazione sicura offerte da Maxim consentono agli sviluppatori di proteggere i loro sistemi dagli inevitabili tentativi di contraffazione che prendono di mira…

Montichiari fa rima con ARI
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Montichiari fa rima con ARI

Direct Hit with a Side Swipe After Major Eye Candy | Informal Solar Storm Forecast 08.25.2021
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Direct Hit with a Side Swipe After Major Eye Candy | Informal Solar Storm Forecast 08.25.2021

This informal forecast was made by and for patrons of Patreon. Without their generosity this forecast would not be possible. Antenna ALL ABOUT ANTENNAS Part…

Using a Mobile HF Antenna in a Fixed Location
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Using a Mobile HF Antenna in a Fixed Location

“Tom, N6AJR, is a older gentleman who has some trouble getting around, and he would like to mount one of his mobile antennas to a…

Chameleon Tactical Delta Loop (CHA TDL) Antenna Review – Ham Radio Q&A
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Chameleon Tactical Delta Loop (CHA TDL) Antenna Review – Ham Radio Q&A

The Chameleon CHA TDL Tactical Delta Loop antenna is a portable multi band portable HF antenna designed for operation on the 80 through 6 meter…

LDC1000 Inductance to Digital Converter
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LDC1000 Inductance to Digital Converter

In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload viene descritto il chip LDC1000, un versatile dispositivo di TI, che con la sua realizzazione ci viene incontro…

Wolf River Coils High Power Silver Bullet Platinum [ Interview ]
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Wolf River Coils High Power Silver Bullet Platinum [ Interview ]

Interview with Gary from WRC about the new High Power Platinum antenna. The Silver Bullet 1000 TIA is a small portable antenna system designed to…

Ham Saves his Friend’s Life from 500 miles away
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Ham Saves his Friend’s Life from 500 miles away

A man in San Joaquin County, California, is being praised for helping save his friend’s life even though they were hundreds of miles apart. Antenna…

SDRplay comparison of 4 popular magnetic loop antennas
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SDRplay comparison of 4 popular magnetic loop antennas

In this video Mike Harwood compares 4 different active mag loop antenna at various frequencies up to 52MHz using two SDRplay RSPduos which allowed simultaneous…

You only need one Station Ground Rod
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You only need one Station Ground Rod

Rodney, is asking if he can use the same ground rod to ground two different dipole antennas without losing efficiency or performance? Antenna How to…

Swap My Rigs Remote Radio Kit – Huntsville Hamfest
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Swap My Rigs Remote Radio Kit – Huntsville Hamfest

“I met Mary at the Huntsville hamfest showing with her Father AE4S. This is a unique product that allows you to remote your ham…

Carica, scarica e bilanciamento dei supercondensatori
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Carica, scarica e bilanciamento dei supercondensatori

Nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. Mentre il costo di produzione dei supercondensatori (detti anche ultracondensatori) continua a scendere, questi…

Studio QuickSense
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Studio QuickSense

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. Attualmente in vari settori dell’industria si concedono alle attività di “R&D”…

NEW – Thunderpole T-600 CB Radio
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NEW – Thunderpole T-600 CB Radio

  Thunderpole have announced a new radio in the shape of the T-600. Price: £59.99 Link to Thunderpole website:

Stealth HOA, Shunt Fed, 80m Through 6M HF Antenna By TN07 Engineering, MyGO2 Antennas
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Stealth HOA, Shunt Fed, 80m Through 6M HF Antenna By TN07 Engineering, MyGO2 Antennas

Another way to beat the HOA commandos when you want to operate ham radio. This antenna can be very hard to notice at all if…

eFactor Antennas, For VHF/UHF SSB, CW And Satellite, Base OR Mobile, At Huntsville Hamfest 2021
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eFactor Antennas, For VHF/UHF SSB, CW And Satellite, Base OR Mobile, At Huntsville Hamfest 2021

I definitely will have one of these, would be great for POTA, SOTA, Satellite, Mobile, Base, on SSB and/or CW… Antenna Which connector for my…

New RFinder P10 Tablet with Dual Band DMR and RTL-SDR Receiver – Huntsville Hamfest
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New RFinder P10 Tablet with Dual Band DMR and RTL-SDR Receiver – Huntsville Hamfest

“From the Huntsville Hamfest, we sit down with Bob, W2CYK, and he shows us the new P10 Tablet from RFinder with RTL-SDR Receive and the…

Ham Radio Operators Helping Family Members Locate Caldor Fire Evacuees
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Ham Radio Operators Helping Family Members Locate Caldor Fire Evacuees

Some people evacuated from the Caldor Fire zone are going on their second week seeking another place to live. One evacuee we spoke to Sunday…

Icom ID-52 DSTAR Handheld With Ray Novak At Huntsville Hamfest!
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Icom ID-52 DSTAR Handheld With Ray Novak At Huntsville Hamfest!

“Always great to see Ray Novak at every hamfest I attend. This year was at the Huntsville Hamfest 2021. A lot of people are eagerly…

STM8S: utilizzo del convertitore A/D
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STM8S: utilizzo del convertitore A/D

Scopriamo in questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload come è strutturato, come configurare e utilizzare il convertitore analogico-digitale presente nella famiglia di microcontrollori a 8-bit…

Circuito integrato di gestione dell’alimentazione (PMIC) nPM1100 di Nordic Semiconductor
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Circuito integrato di gestione dell’alimentazione (PMIC) nPM1100 di Nordic Semiconductor

Il circuito integrato di gestione dell’alimentazione (Power Management Integrated Circuit, PMIC) nPM1100 di Nordic Semiconductor è la soluzione all’avanguardia più compatta del settore per la…

Ham Radio Amplifier DIY599 PA500 OH8STN
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Ham Radio Amplifier DIY599 PA500 OH8STN

“Hello Operators. In this episode of OH8STN Ham Radio, we are having a looking at the portable ham radio amplifier from the PA500. The…