Author: iz4wnp

Hurricane Watch Net has Eyes on Hurricane Grace and Tropical Storm Henri
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Hurricane Watch Net has Eyes on Hurricane Grace and Tropical Storm Henri

The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) is mustering as Hurricane Grace, a Category 1 storm with maximum sustained winds of 85 MPH, is expected to make…

Chameleon Antenna – Manufacturers Showcase
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Chameleon Antenna – Manufacturers Showcase

We are with John Miller, N7JDM from Chameleon Antenna to talk about the latest offerings! Antenna The Rotator Illuminator Kit December 27, 2014 No comments…

Wouxun KG-UV9G GMRS Handheld from Better Safe Radio
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Wouxun KG-UV9G GMRS Handheld from Better Safe Radio

The KG-UV9G Handheld GMRS Radio from Wouxun is a great addition to any GMRS line-up of radios The BSR-Exclusive Wouxun KG-UV9G is a 999 channel programmable…

The History of Single Sideband
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The History of Single Sideband

Single sideband modulation revolutionized electronic communication, but where did the idea come from? Antique Wireless Association Curator Emeritus Ed Gable, K2MP, tells the surprising story…

I microcontrollori Kinetis K60
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I microcontrollori Kinetis K60

Questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload tratta in dettaglio la serie K60 di microcontrollori della famiglia Kinetis proposta da Freescale. Si tratta di microcontrollori a…

NEW Yaesu FT5D – Manual and First Real World Photos
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NEW Yaesu FT5D – Manual and First Real World Photos

  Earlier this week Yaesu announced their latest handheld radio, the FT5D and we have the first ‘real world’ photos and a link to the…

SAQ Reports “an Incredible Number” of Listeners for July 4 Transmissions
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SAQ Reports “an Incredible Number” of Listeners for July 4 Transmissions

The Alexander Grimeton Friendship Association reports “an incredible number” of listener reports — 524 in all — for its July 4 Alexanderson Day transmissions from SAQ, the…

Effective Indoor Antennas
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Effective Indoor Antennas

Peirre, KM4WSJ, lives in Florida and is often victim to powerful lightning and thunder storms and is forced to disconnect his antenna. His question to…

Simulare circuiti online
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Simulare circuiti online

Accade spesso di non avere tutti i componenti necessari per costruire un circuito che sta prendendo forma nella nostra mente. Oppure, probabilmente, il circuito che…

SDRPLAY SDRUno ADSB Plugin – Tracking Aircraft Easy
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SDRPLAY SDRUno ADSB Plugin – Tracking Aircraft Easy

Here we take a look at the new ADSB Plugin now available in BETA for SDRUno from SDRPlay. Antenna Optibeam OB8-4M 8 Element 4 Band…

Hurricane Watch Net Plans Two Activations as Grace Reaches Hurricane Status
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Hurricane Watch Net Plans Two Activations as Grace Reaches Hurricane Status

The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) plans to activate today (Wednesday, August 18) and Friday as Grace attains Category 1 hurricane status. Air Force Reserve and…

7 courtyard or balcony HF antenna ideas for small spaces
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7 courtyard or balcony HF antenna ideas for small spaces

Got little space at home? Live in a townhouse, apartment or villa? That doesn’t mean you can’t play HF. Watch for ideas on HF antennas…

Elecraft K4 High-Performance Direct-Sampling SDR Update, Eric Swartz WA6HHQ
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Elecraft K4 High-Performance Direct-Sampling SDR Update, Eric Swartz WA6HHQ

Eric demos the K4 along with its latest features. Antenna New! 40m Rotating Dipole by G0KSC February 06, 2016 No comments G0KSC has again broken…

Radio Club of Haiti President Reports Significant Structural Damage from Earthquake
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Radio Club of Haiti President Reports Significant Structural Damage from Earthquake

In the immediate aftermath of the magnitude 7.2 earthquake on August 14, Radio Club of Haiti President Jean-Robert Gaillard, HH2JR, reported significant structural damage in…

Middleware robotici: quali sono e perché usarli
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Middleware robotici: quali sono e perché usarli

I robot autonomi sono sistemi complessi che richiedono l’interazione tra numerosi componenti eterogenei (software e hardware). I middleware robotici nascono come risposta all’aumento della complessità…

RDA Award Program. From
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RDA Award Program. From

The RDA Russian Districts award program and the corresponding RDA Contest have been attracting radio amateurs in Russia and in other countries of the world…

Edge Machine Learning per la gestione delle batterie
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Edge Machine Learning per la gestione delle batterie

L’elettrificazione dei veicoli, siano essi automobili o veicoli commerciali e industriali, è uno degli aspetti fondamentali per il raggiungimento di un futuro sostenibile. Come sappiamo,…

Counterpoises and Transmission Line Mysteries
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Counterpoises and Transmission Line Mysteries

Ed, K6SDW, has a few questions for Dave. Concerning Transmission lines and Counterpoises? Watch to Learn More. Antenna The Inflatable Air Antenna On 20 Meters…

Many Sunspots Emerge & A Big Filament Snakes
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Many Sunspots Emerge & A Big Filament Snakes

Many Sunspots Emerge & A Big Filament Snakes | Solar Storm Forecast 08.15.2021 Antenna Introducing the World’s longest 50MHz/70MHz Dual Bander? August 17, 2018 No…

Il Code Configuration di casa Microchip
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Il Code Configuration di casa Microchip

Nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. Allo scopo di supportare i propri prodotti e di ridurre il time to market,…

Video 5I3B 5I3W Zanzibar. From
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Video 5I3B 5I3W Zanzibar. From

Video 5I3B 5I3W Zanzibar Island, IOTA AF – 032, Tanzania. EA3WL EA3BT. From Jordi Codina, EA3HSL., Video 5I3B 5I3W Zanzibar. From, ,

Integra Unveils Novel 100V RF GaN-on-SiC Technology with Superior Performance
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Integra Unveils Novel 100V RF GaN-on-SiC Technology with Superior Performance

Modernization of multi-kilowatt RF communication and data transmission systems is pushing the requirements of what traditional vacuum electron devices and solid state semiconductor technology can…

One Coax, Several Radios
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One Coax, Several Radios

Joe, Wb2ZDB, asks Hey Dave, In your “An Unusual Jpole Antenna” episode uou said something about having gotten a Coax Coupler from MFJ, have you…

Raccolta di energia dalle onde oceaniche
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Raccolta di energia dalle onde oceaniche

C-Power è un pioniere nello sfruttamento efficiente dell’energia delle onde oceaniche per consentire nuove forme di applicazioni offshore. I sistemi di alimentazione offshore autonomi di…

Migrare verso i micro MSP430x5xxx
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Migrare verso i micro MSP430x5xxx

In questo nuovo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload analizziamo alcuni accorgimenti per portare senza problemi la propria applicazione sui micro MSP430x5xxx di TI. Introduzione MSP430…